That One Weird Friend of Ours

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"Nino told me that he's going to propose to Alya next month." Marinette faced dropped and started to ask a lot of questions about it. Adrien patiently answered them all and the last thing he told Marinette was that Nino will ask for our help soon. Marinette smiled and told Adrien how happy she was.

Then next thing you know Adrien carried Marinette bridal style to the bed with the best view in New York and slowly removed his clothes and Marinette placed the blanket over them for some privacy.

~ continuation ~

After a month of settling in the apartments. Marinette, Alya, and Nino we're already attending classes while Adrien on the other hand continued his modeling in New York.

As usual, Marinette leaves at 4 pm while Alya and Nino leave classes at 4:30 pm. So Adrien after his photoshoots would go and pick up Marinette then would pick up Alya and Nino. Marinette on the other hand was always a good student. All the students and teachers admired her and her works and teachers would compare her to a lot of students.

Well, at least you think it's a good idea well not for Marinette. As you could see as she started to get used to the community she was like the pretty, attractive, smart girl there in her college place. A lot of boys would hit on her and every day she would get cat-called which made her feel uncomfortable. A lot of girls wanted to be here and once a girl went up and pushed her. Adrien got her and shouted at the girl. She got scared and ran and apparently she never went back to school

Adrien knows about Marinette's problems so he got her a bodyguard and so after that, she was never hit on and catcalled. Marinette made only one friend well it's a boy. His name was Max, he was smart and handsome to what the girls would say. Apparently, he has a huge crush on Marinette. She knows he likes her but ignores the fact since she knows that he knows she has a boyfriend.

But something came up when it was the last week of college. There was going to be a big event and it's for the top 10 students in fashion and design making and Marinette was part of the top 10 including Max. So Marinette and Max were partnered up and they were only given only a week to do their clothes. So the theme was a Dico party, so Marinette invited Max to join her and her boyfriend to the cafe to wait for her other best friends. Max agreed but on the inside, he just wanted to have her all for himself he doesn't want to see Adrien near her. As school ended Marinette was called by the teacher so she told Max to wait outside the school with Adrien, Max nodded and left the classroom.

MAX TALKING TO HIMSELF "Max you should go and make a move. Stop being a dick and kiss her already! She obviously has feelings for me and not with that shithead Adrien Agreste. I mean yeah he's hot, kind, rich, and more but I can be like him. She just hasn't seen the real me " Max said while trying to control his anger.

As Max went out of the school he saw Adrien walking towards him. Adrien smiled and gave Max a hug "Hey Max I heard a lot about you from Mariette! She said you were kind and very helpful to her this school year and I thank you for that." Adrien said while breaking the hug. Max didn't answer back and just looked into Adrien's eyes and told him "Adrien, I love Marinette and I don't think you deserve her. She will soon be mine and not yours. I will make fall for me and leave you." Max said then went inside the car of Adrien sat inside with Adrien's driver.

Adrien just stood there completely shocked and waited for Marinette. After a few mins later Adrien got worried since Marinette hasn't been out. So Adrien walked inside the school and looked for Marinette.

A lot of teachers and students ran to him and asked him a bunch of questions. "Have you seen my girlfriend Marinette?" Adrien asked while pushing the crowd. As he went down the hall he saw Marinette talking to her teacher. The teacher was a girl and was a huge fan of Adrien and Gabriel Agreste. So as she saw Adrien looking through the door window she allowed him in.

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