I'm Pregnant

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~ Preview ~

Plagg then flies to Marinette's shoulders and says "Marinette when was your last period?" Marinette then got up and started to think, "Don't you guys think i-i'm pregnant?" Marinette then gets up and looks at the mirror and holds her belly. Tikki and Plagg looked at each other and flew right next to Marinette. "Hey guys please don't tell Adrien yet, I want to keep it as a surprise till father's day since it's five weeks ahead!" Tikki and Plagg promised Marinette they won't say a word or give any clues. Marinette smiled and went to bed just in time Adrien entered the room. 

~ Continuation ~

As Adrien entered the room, he looked at Marinette with a smile while she was PRETENDING to read her book. "Hey love, anything new in work?" Marinette asked while closing the book and giving Adrien a hug. "Yea I'll be gone for a couple of days next weeks, father has this event and he needs Nino and I there, we'll be gone for a week, is that ok with you princess?" Adrien asked while hugging Marinette back. Marinette smiled and told him "yea I ok with it, anyway Nino is with you so I'm not that worried, I might also invite Alya over for some company!" 

Marinette smiled and gave Adrien his sleeping clothes, "here you go, I'll wait for you in bed!" Marinette said with a giggle and jumped into the bed. Adrien smiled and went to the bathroom to take a nice warm shower. As Adrien closed the door and Marinette heard the lock, she quickly got her phone and messaged Alya.

Mari 😝 - Hey Alya! Have you heard Adrien and Nino will be gone for a week next week?!

Bestie ✨ - Heyy girl! yes, I've heard, why what's up?

Mari 😝 - I have something to tell you and it's really important and nobody should know and I was wondering if you could stay here while the boys are gone so we both have company! 😁

Bestie ✨ - Hell yea I'm down! You can also feel the twins moving around! I'll tell Nino about it! Well, I got to go, see you next week and I can't wait for that IMPORTANT thing! 😉

As Marinette placed changed her phone, Tikki flew up to Marinette and showed her period calendar, "Marinette look, your period has been late for a week now, so you might be actually pregnant!" "shhh, Tikki I don't want Adrien to hear you, yes I can be pregnant, but when he's off to work with Nino, I'll go buy a pregnancy test with Alya." 

As soon as Adrien opened the door, all the steam went out and he saw Marinette fixing the outfit for her first clothing line, "Hey princess you're not tired?" Adrien asked while putting on his shirt, "I am but I'll just finish this so I don't have to do anything tomorrow morning." Marinette smiled and finished sewing the button on. Adrien then goes to bed with Marinette and hugs her belly.

"Woah your kind of bloated are you sure you're ok?" Adrien then starts to rub his hands gently on Marinette's belly, "U-um yea i-i'm good love, it m-might just be f-from the f-food awhile ago." Marinette said while scratching her neck. Adrien smiled and closed the lamp on his desk and gave Marinette a good night's kiss and went to sleep. Marinette smiled and kisses Adrien's neck and closes the lamp on her side and hugs Adrien to sleep.

It was seven in the morning, Adrien woke up to the sound of Marinette throwing up. He quickly gets up and gently pats the back of Marinette and while helping her hair not to get in the way. "Princess, why didn't you wake me up? I could've helped you." Adrien said with a worried look on his face, "It's ok love, you see I'm all-" Marinette then continues to throw up, Adrien stands up and tells Marinette to rest for the day while he goes to work. Marinette stands up and nods her head and tells him to come as fast as possible. 

Adrien smiled and kisses Marinette, "Yes of course princess, I already told father and Nathalie about your condition, so I told them to move all my meetings so, I'll be home around lunch and this will go continue to happen until I leave for New York with Nino." Marinette smiled and gave Adrien his work clothes, "Go take a bath and changed while I brush my teeth." Marinette said while handing Adrien his clothes. 

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