May I Marry Your Daughter

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~ Preview ~ 

Marinette, Adrien, Tikki, and Plagg watched a movie then Marinette fell asleep in Adrien's arms. He smiled and kissed her cheeks, "I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you again." Adrien said and closed the laptop and tucked both of them to bed and went fast to sleep.

~ Continuation ~

It was 7 in the morning Marinette woke up seeing Adrien cuddling beside her. She smiled and stroked his hair, she kissed his lips then whispered "Good morning Kitty. I love you" She then gently removed his hand and made him hug a pillow. She went down from her bed and greeted Good morning to Tikki and Plagg.

"Hey guys, Good morning! You guys must be hungry!" Marinette said while grabbing a chocolate chip cookie for Tikki and a piece of Camembert for Plagg. "Thanks, Marinette!" Tikki and Plagg said and gave Marinette a cheek hug. Marinette then walked to the bathroom and took a quick morning bath to start her day. She brushed her teeth, placed her hair in a bun, and dressed up. As she opened the door, Adrien gave Marinette a tight hug and kissed her neck. 

"Good morning princess! I love you!" Adrien said while holding Marinette into his arms. "Ouch Adrien wait." Adrien quickly let go and saw Marinette holding her belly. "Oh I'm sorry does it still hurt princess?" Adrien asked while touching her wound gently. "It's kind of sore but I can manage," Marinette said and gave Adrien a towel. "Thanks, Princess," Adrien said and watched Marinette leave her room. 

Marinette shouted through her trap door "when you are done taking a bath and fixing up, come down here for breakfast!" Adrien smiled and quickly took a nice cold bath. As Adrien was changing into his clothes he saw that Marinette left her phone inside the bathroom, he picked it up and a notification came out saying it's from Luka. Since they don't hide anything from one another Adrien knows the password to Marinette's phone. So Adrien opened her phone and saw spams of messages from Luka. 

Adrien got curious and he wanted to read all the message of Luka, at first, he knew it was bad looking thought someone's phone without them knowing, but he was also sacred to find out that Marinette was cheating on him, so Adrien quickly opened the messages of Luka and read each one of the messages. Adrien smiled and laughed a lot. 

The messages were like this: 

Luka - Marinette please I'm sorry I want you to be mine (seen on read) 

Luka - Marinette I'll die for you (seen on read) 

Luka - Stop dating that asshole I'm better than him 

Marinette - First of all stop messaging me and second Adrien is not an asshole you are.

Luka - Marinette I love you please love me back (seen on read)

Marinette - (SENT A PHOTO OF ADRIEN AND HER UNDER THE SHEETS SAYING) Sorry but my heart belongs to Adrien. 

Adrien closed the phone of Marinette and ran down to the dining room giving Marinette her phone back. "Hey, babe I made eggs, bacon, and toasted bread!" Marnette said with a smile on her face. Adrien sat down and told Marinette what he did since he didn't want to keep anything from her. "Princess I saw that you felt your phone inside the bathroom and I saw a notification that came from Luka so I opened your phone a read your messages," Adrien said while scratching his neck. 

Marinette smiled and said "did you reply to him back? Cause he keeps on annoying me every single day, also when we were in New York." Marinette said while serving the food to Adrien. Adrien smiled and told her he just read the messages and saw the pictures you sent to him about us. Marinette smiled and sat right next to Adrien to eat breakfast. 

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