Our Little Family (The End)

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~ Preview ~ 

"here take it!" Tikki said while giving Marinette the last two pregnancy test that was inside the box, "thanks Tikkki but I'll take it next week since I just started the symptoms like just an hour ago so maybe I'll take one next week when we fly to Disneyland and if I am I will buy a small outfit there that says the word BIG BROTHER!" Marinette hid the test and quickly went to bed and hugged Adrien to bed. 

~ Continuation ~ 

five days ad passed Marinette, Adrien and Hugo were waiting for nana and papa/s to arrive in the airport, "love can you hold onto Hugo I'll just quickly use the restroom." Adrien smiled and carried Hugo while Marinette ran to the toilet, "Marinette what are you going to do?" Tikki asked while Marinette rushed to the toilet while covering her mouth, "Oh yea never min." Tikki said when Marinette started to throw up, Tikki flew and grabbed a tissue and gave it to Marinette, "Thanks Tikki." Marinette said while flushing the toilet and ran back to Adrien and Hugo. 

As she walked towards them, she saw Sabine and Gabriel playing with Hugo, "Hey mom! Hey father! Where's papa?" Marinette asked while hugging Adrien from the back, "Oh hi sweetie, he's just unloading the luggage! I'm so glad your uncle from China  agreed to watch over the bakery for a week, so I can spend time with you and Hugo!" Sabien said while throwing Hugo up in the air and catching him. "Yea mom, that's good! I'm glad you guys can join us and I bet Hugo would have fun with his nana and papa/s." Adrien said. 

Hugo jumped out of Sabine's arms and ran towards Tom, "papa!" Hugo said while giving Tom a hug," Oh hello little muffin! I miss you so much!" Tom said while carrying Hugo and giving him kisses on his cheeks, "Hello Tom, finally you came let's go and ride the plane." Gabriel said while giving him his plane ticket, "Thank Gabriel." Tom said while giving Hugo to Adrien, "Hi papa! Hey dad!" Marinette and Adrien said while giving him a hug. "Let's go to Disneyland!" Marinette said while making Hugo laugh. 

As they entered Adrien and Gabriel's private plane, Hugo walked towards Gabriel and sat on his lap, "yes Hugo! Do you want to sit right next to me for this whole flight!" Gabriel said while playing with Hugo. Hugo laughter and nodded his head, Gabriel smiled and was given Hugo's toys so he can play with Hugo, "Thanks, son!" Gabriel said while Adrien handed his father Hugo's toys.  As they took off, Adrien and Marinette were working, Tom was taking a nap, Sabine was reading the magazine, while Gabriel and Hugo were playing cars and airplanes. 

While Adrien was looking through the stuff they're going to do, he was making sure he had everything in hand, the hotels, the rides, and more, Marinette was finishing some designs for her next clothing line, "Father, if you want to rest you can just call me or Adrien so we can take care of Hugo." Marinette said while drawing, "Father?" Marinette stood up and saw Gabriel and Hugo sleeping together, Gabriel reclined his seat a bit while Hugo slept on his chest, Adrien and Marinette smiled and placed a blanket over them. 

Sabine stood up and helped Marinette pack the toys away while Adrien removed the shoes of Hugo, After an hour of flying Marinette ran out of the table and went straight to the restroom and threw up, As she flushed the toilet Adrien knocked and asked if she was ok, "Yea love I'm good u-um I just used the restroom." As she opened the door Adrien smiled and kissed Marinette and walked her back to the table. "How's Hugo and Father?" Marinette asked while leaning on Adrien's shoulder, "Oh their good princess, they are both still sleeping peacefully." Adrien said while looking at Gabriel and Hugo. 

As they were about to land Gabriel and Tom woke up while Marinette, Adrien, and Sabine were fixing their bag, Gabriel smiled seeing Hugo asleep into his chest, he kissed and hugged him like a stuffed bear, and as they landed Hugo woke up and started to cry. Marinette quickly went to Gabriel and got Hugo and calmed him down. "There there Hugo mommy's got ya," Marinette said while swaying him back and forth. Adrien smiled and quietly told Plagg, "Damn Plagg I'm so lucky to have her as my wife! Also Hugo and our future kids they're so lucky to have a mom like Marinette!" 

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