15. Oppa!!!

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Skipping down the stairs Yeona hums to herself while looking around the modern place making her to think how weren't there any guards inside the place but outside they're like atleast 70-100 gaurds. Shrugging her shoulders she finally steps down from last step and walks around then reaches livingroom.

Walking further around the place she finally found the kitchen and made her way in
Yeona: "Finally, my tummy needs to be filled I'm so hungry"
Saying to herself she looks for some food but couldn't find anything. Checking the freezer she finds some juice and decides to have some. Taking out the juice box and glass she pours herself some juice an sips on it when suddenly she flinches hearing Kira's voice.

 Taking out the juice box and  glass she pours herself some juice an sips on it when suddenly she flinches hearing Kira's voice

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Kira: "Mrs.Park do you need something?"
Choking on her drink Yeona coughs a little while Kira runs to her and rubs on her back, calming down a bit Yeona speaks
Yeona: "Yes, firstly stop calling me Mrs.Park, please call me with my name"
Kira: "What??! Master would kill me"
Yeona: "Auntie you're older than you shouldn't be addressing me as Mrs.Park, I don't mind you calling me with my name"

She makes a puppy face to which Kira couldn't help but melt
Kira: "Fine I will address you with your first name but not infront of master"
Yeona: "That's ok for me"
They both share a smile then Kira notices what Yeona was wearing and smiles at her
Kira: "Oh darling what are you wearing?"

Yeona looks down at herself then looks back up and pouts
Yeona: "I couldn't find anything else so........"
Kira: "You look cute though"
Yeona blushes at the complement and sips on her drink while Kira chuckles at the flustered girl
Kira: "What were you doing here?"
Yeona: "I am hungry, so I came to find something to eat"

Kira: "Oh sweetheart, just gimme few minutes I'll make something for you"
Yeona smiles wide while Kira grabs some ingredients and starts making some food for her while they both chat. Yeona suddenly thinks of something
Yeona: "Auntie, how long have you been a maid here?"
Kira: "Since a very long time"
Yeona: "Ooohh so you know how Jimin was since a child?"

Kira giggles remembering the memories of Jimin and her playing around with him and she trying to feed him along with her mother.
Kira: "Yes, I've been a maid for Parks ever since Mrs.Park got married to Mr.Park and I've been with them all these years but Mrs.Park asked me to be with Jimin after Jimin decided to stay independently after becoming CEO of his company"
Yeona nods and rests her arms on Kitchen island and rests her face in her palms.

Yeona: "Was Jimin always like this?"
Kira: "Like what?"
Yeona: "You know brutal, stubborn, scary..."
Kira smiles at her and shakes her head as no
Kira: "Young master was the kindest heart and a very loving person"
Yeona: "He doesn't seem like one to me"
Kira: "Things changed as time flew"

That spikes Yeona's curiosity.
Yeona: "What happened?"
Kira: "There was this girl, daughter of Mrs.Park's friend. She was a ball of joy never failed to put a smile on other's face. Young master was quite fond of her, Mrs.Park used to invite her friend weekly, the girl got close to Young master an they became inseperable whenever they met. But suddenly they both disappeared and that surely left a scar on his heart, maybe that's the reason why he changed"

Mafia King~with His Queen {PJM} BOOK1Where stories live. Discover now