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Walking toward the parking lot, Yeona noticed the nervousness in her father's eyes

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Walking toward the parking lot, Yeona noticed the nervousness in her father's eyes. They both got in Mr.Lee's car and then drove towards their home. A few minutes into the drive Yeona decided to start the conversation feeling the silence hard to bear.

"Appa How are you? And how's your health?" the curious and worried female asks her father who looked tense and nervous but was trying to hide that, "I'm an absolutely fine sweetie, How are you?" the man asks faking a small smile, "I'm great, I did as you said, studied well and now I even started my own company" she responds not wanting to nosy thinking he will tell what's bothering him sooner or later. "Yeah, I've seen you on news, I'm sorry for not being the father you wanted me to be". The man says his voice heavy and guilty.

"Appa, please don't be sorry, I know what you did was not intentional, and now we are together and that's what matters" the daughter comfortingly says, "You're just like your Momma, I'm so grateful to have you both in my life if only she was with us". The man says and they both go Silent for a moment, then Mr.Lee heaved a sigh before tightening his grip on the steering.

"Yeona, I have to tell you something, more like a confession" the middle-aged man stutters making the female beside him nod with a hum. "I..... actually.....mm" her father hesitates but she asks him to get to the point already expecting what was about to come, "Just tell me appa". She says turning to her father, he takes a deep breath ad speaks, "I happened to have an affair with another woman before your Eomma's death, and I....soon married her, I'm so sorry, I loved your Eomma with all my heart but what I did was something which happened while I was drunk and I didn't have any control of what I did"

Mr.Lee halts his speech to see her daughter looking at him with a poker face,  "I never meant to cheat on her, neither could I dare confess this to your Eomma, the woman I slept with got pregnant so I had to marry her. I provided her with all the needs to raise the child. And when I was finally brave enough to tell your Eomma, she......she was sick, I wanted to tell her once she gets well but that never happened. I'm so sorry I'm a bad father and the worst husband" he says halting his car on the side of the road.

The daughter smiles at him sadly. "You're not bad appa, I know you sent me away for my well-being and I also know about all the troubles you've gone through to bring the money for eomma's treatment. And I also knew about your second marriage" she says taking in a deep breath, Mr.Lee looks at his daughter with wide eyes, "You....you knew?"

Yeona nods her head then turns to look at her appa, "Yes, Eomma told me. To be honest, I was mad at you, but....but Eomma told me not to be, she never told me why, but she told me to treat your wife(second wife) as Eomma, I promised her that I will do as she told me" the daughter says remembering the last conversation she had with her mother, "She knew? .... I'm sorry, I never deserved you nor your Eomma" the man says tears streaming down his face.

"Please don't say that", the female says taking his rough hand in his and gently squeezing his palm in a way of comfort, "I've kept you away all these years", he says again, all the guilt he has stored in for years coming at him and hitting him like a truck. He did have some reasons for keeping her away from him but still, it was his mistake to not even talk to her. He would check up with her aunt and uncle on how she doing but that's all, he didn't show his face to her in the last seven years.

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