6 | Day 1

79 13 6

Jordan, Amman.




"Quddaysh ha' hadda?" How much is this? My travel agent Lotfi asked a vendor.

"25 Jordanian Dinar."

"How about this one?" I point at a tarp that was folded ten time the size I needed and I was excited about that. Crazy.

The sun was scorching and I wasn't used to the heat here so I gave him my list and found a sit outside another shop close by and sat.

He went round and found me all I'd asked for.


Bucket ^2.


Paint (white).




Paint brush.

Gloves (thick rubber).

Boots (size 42 & 45).

Within an hour he checked everything off the list and we were on our way to check out a store for extra things I might need. I got a new sim and a phone but I just dumped t in my bag for the time it'd be used to finish this play.

Tomorrow I'll ask to be taken to another city and I'll sleep there. For every 24 hours until I returned to this city, I'll sleep in a new one then move to another city at dawn until the seventh day I'll be back to take over the city again with my absence.

My phone had been vibrating with notifications since morning but all I felt was peace—something I've longed for—this means they care but why now? A message on my Instagram catches my eye; it's Imad my almost husband—ex boyfriend —best friend —confidant, you name it.

Where are you?? He asks in bold.

He's asking this ridiculous question as if he was still my boyfriend and I laughed at his audacity with a hiss, sinking my upper lips into my lower lips, making me look like I'm pouting.

He didn't trust me and it was enough reason for me to know things would still not be normal even after we continued with our plans of uniting.

I almost open it but all the anger I felt from that day didn't let me click on it. Instead I told myself to shove the phone back in my bag and listen to my agent argue with the vendor about how much a piece of lettuce should cost.


"Is Zayda in?" Imad asked rather impatiently and slightly rude.

Nadine and Farouk locked eyes, telepathically relaying their discussion upstairs just as she was about to step out of the house. She was jealous that Zayda had already found a man to marry while she was still unable to tell their parents about Haroun.

It was a painfully envious period for her watching him visit almost every week just to see Zayda before traveling to supervise his business and today Nadine decided she would destroy the whole thing.

Today was Sunday, the very day before he travelled to Lagos every other Monday to check on his business and return on Thursday. She told Farouk to tell Imad Zayda had found another man and Baba had declared them officially married despite there was no talk of mosque or Fatiha recited.

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