15 | Love nwatintin

52 8 5

Abuja, Nigeria



Amira sits on Zayda's bed with tear filled eyes, a runny nose, the most excruciating headache, in a most confused state. Her heart beat to the rhythm of the pulse rising by the side of her head. Since when Farouk handed her the letter she hadn't been ok.

They'd returned from dropping Usama a few hours ago and she's been locked up in Zayda's room staring at the letter in her shaky hands.

Up until now she wasn't sure if she wanted to know its contents but again, if she wasn't going to open it why would she give anyone else? It was her letter after all so she stretches it open and her eyes begin to go over her missing sisters decree of her inexplicable elopement.


Hey love, if you're wondering if I forgot you—I didn't. I'm sorry if me running away has caused you any pain. Please do not hate me and please forgive me. Again, I left my novels for you, all my perfume that you wanted then you can have it. Keep the pictures and never loose them. One day if everyone forgot me, I know you wouldn't.

What I'm about to say should be taken under serious consideration. The man told me you would be pressured into committing suicide by your teachers because they kept bullying you and forcing you to give them gifts to give you better grades.

My advice to you, study harder. Make them eat their words and shame them with your grades. Never let anyone bring you down and show them you're better than they can ever be.

A time will come where your grades will fall drastically and it's because of me. Don't waste your time looking for me. Don't stray from your books. Take care of them as you'll take care of me. Your education is important as you're important to me. Help me take care of the family and keep them from fighting between themselves.

Aamanee is there, Nadine is also there. They're your elder sisters and I want you to drag them closer to you even if they push you away. Smother them with love until they reciprocate. Do the same to Usama, Farouk and Yusuf. Our parents gave birth to us so you should continue to respect them and never give them a reason to lose trust in you.

I love you, stay safe.

Amira folds her letter and leaves to her room and drops it under her pillow. She moves to the chair for her mirror and sits—her eyes remain on her sad reflection— she refuses the tears fall but it's not long before she hears someone approach her door but the person doesn't knock.

"I... miss... you... zayda." She covers her face to forcefully purses her lips inwards, almost biting them painfully to force the tears back but she still ends up whimpering lightly "Why?"

No one knew she spent the night crying or that she fell asleep with her arms as a pillow on the vanity table. Her alarm rings and she quickly cleans her face of the residue of the previous nights despair then wears her uniform without bathing and takes her school bag from the floor. Out the door she went to meet her family downstairs without bathing. The person who made her bathe wasn't there to tell her.

The whole family sits at the dinning table staring at Aamanee's phone as they waited for Zayda to say something.

She sits just in time to hear Zayda's voice in what felt like eternity. Aamanee looked bored like the remaining siblings—a sign Aamanee was doing this to show her parents she cared—everyone knew everyone except their parents who only knew their behaved children not the rebels that lives in the shadows of their home.

"Mummy," Zayda's voice breaks.

Hajiya Waleeda's  ears start ringing and she closes her mouth, gasping loudly and crying "I'm here Zayda."

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