24 | One last Time

47 6 4

Abuja, Nigeria



"Did you know Priya and Anwar are expecting a baby?" Hajiya Waleeda asks her husband as he drops her first bag into the trolley.

"Maybe." Alhaji Abdullah frowns, almost hissing, knowing that was probably what Adeel wanted to tell him "He doesn't tell me much these days."

"Its either you know or you didn't know." She claps dramatically "Well, it's you that knows why he doesn't call or text."

"What does that mean?" He drops another bag inside.

"That your ego came between you and your brother."

"Aren't you the least bit offended that you lost a child during that trip?" He seethes, dropping the final box on top of the previous box as he begins to push it out of the entrance of the airport with Hajiya Waleeda behind him.

They remove the boxes and drop some in the boot and the rest in the back seat and drive home to their kids and a couple more people who would be staying the night but he didn't know that yet. Hajiya Waleeda knew but decided to surprise her husband so he could fix things with her brother. She'd planned it all with Priya.

Usama searches his closet for what to wear to wear the next day? A suit? A kaftan? Jallabiya? He didn't know so he called Ali, his best friend and they agree to wear matching Jallabiya's they'd begged their parents to buy from an online vendor some weeks back that they hadn't worn.

Upon looking for it, he goes to also check for his sandals under his bed and stumbles upon a large gift box that was almost the size of a tv.

He drags it out and drops it's on his bed then flips it open. He couldn't even move when he saw it—Usama in red on a paper—with some items and he knew instructions would come but he didn't know what the letter would hold.

He was a smart boy.

His family never discussed Zayda's final words with him so he knew to except something because they'd been whispering around him but he didn't know what exactly, they'd been hush-hush about it. Curiously, he sat and unfolded the message.


How are you last baby of the house? Today must be a very exciting day for you. I know you must be nervous. It's not everyday a child your age completes the Qur'an but I don't want you to be scared.

I know you can do it. I know you can make us proud. I'm sorry you had to witness my absence for so long but I think it's for the best even if you may not understand now. Just know I love you.

I want you to open the box I've left for you under your bed. I ordered a gift from Jumia months ago; two plus the jallabiya under this letter is for you and one which is a shoes for Amira. Don't give it to her now until it's her birthday.

I hope you like your gift. It's something you've always wanted. I remember when you said you wanted it back in India but it was too expensive. I saved up enough to buy it.

I want you to wish you the greatest in the life, this world, in your endeavors. I heard you talking with Ali months back that you'd be graduating together. I also wish him well. There's a wristwatch in your bottom drawer, give it to him.

Please keep this to remember me. If you can't, give it to Amira. She'll help you keep your memory of me alive. I love you, I know you love me. I pray for Allah's guidance in all of your activities in this world and may Allah grant you all of your desires.

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