53 | Day 6

44 7 0

Jordan, As-Salt.




If there was membrane to seal memories that should never be forgotten I'd do anything to find it. At the end of each day I found a new purpose for this companionship that was formed for guidance in a new, unknown city.

There was Lotfi, there was me then there was the unspoken truth that lingered in the air. He was yet to know it but if I dare speak a word of this we might never leave.

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. It was a sign that things were not going to go so well for at least twenty four hours—or at least that's what one would expect after a rough couple of hours in their morning—but it was a universally accepted conspiracy to coerce the mind into accepting strange superstitions.

Sometimes it was true, so for today I agree it wouldn't hurt to take it. My body already felt a deep, obscure feeling of all things wrong and unwanted.

Oh well...

Hours from now I and Lotfi agreed to meet up at the tent at the end of the street for breakfast of... We chose to sleep in today and tour the slow and enchanting city later in the afternoon.

I woke up too early. Normally I'd go out but I wasn't fond of casually starting up conversations or worse, asking for directions especially when I have someone who's currently dormant, but paid to do that.

Interestingly, I'd heard a few English words spoken while we were in the taxi coming to this hotel. It wasn't my type of place but it was alright. The rooms were too big with little furniture and one side of the room had the roof looming down a little. Makes me want to ask what the architect was doing while his peers were still learning.

The door of the toilet was just tall and wooden but it had nothing fancy to it except it's shiny handles that were golden. I stared straight ahead at the door and kept imagining I somehow flew into the bathroom. Yes, I was that tired but not to worry, I am getting up to go shower now.

But then, I heard the sound of rocks hitting my roof and I ran to the window to see ice falling from the sky and the atmosphere was feeling a little better than it did when I first opened my eyes and hit my arm by the wood of the bed.

I caught a rainbow faintly showing up behind a cloud and I clung to the window to see more though my heart wanted me to run to the balcony which would've gotten me wet and possibly injured for no reason.

There was something about the water drizzling down, the colors and the thought of his smile. It makes me miss what I could've had longer.

Allah hears all and sees all, pray for what you desire. If it'll favor you, Allah shall provide you with that thing. I was finally able to say I'd gotten peace of mind and had someone who, for a few days has remained by my side. I'd say it was my money that had him in each bus or market stall haggling but he'd stopped allowing me to pay for anything.

He spent for both of us like I was also his priority and though I enjoyed it, I got him something to pay back in my own way even if it wouldn't amount to what he's done. Lotfi has stayed by my side longer that most of my family members ever did but you know what?

There was Amira—mama and baba were only worried when someone was missing—they'd cared but to me, the feeling could've been extended from just hourly chats in the living room and weekend carnival rides but we remained in our rooms or trying to make friends for a fun day to occur. It was sadder that we all understood it to be.

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