51 | Grown ish

45 5 1


Aamanee had no choice but to dial the number to be sure it was really Adeel. He answers immediately, a little irritated but, bored. A feminine laugh resounded through the speakers and they just knew it was Nana.

It was an embarrassment that he'd played her and her mother. Unfortunately, he'd changed for this woman and they would never get the princess treatment he served Nana.

"How did you know you were sick?" straight to the matter, Aamanee asked without salutations.

"I started feeling sick."

"How?" Her voice cracked as she spoke. She looked at her mother and turned away immediately, going out of the car as soon as Farouk stopped driving.

"Just go to the hospital. This is my last act of kindness."

"Screw you."

Waleeda opens the car door and slides out then shuts the door and walks around the vehicle to see Aamanee leaning on the car, trying to not shout at Adeel for his crudeness and ridiculous grimness.

"I wish I didn't."

"Baba is gonna finish you." She asserted, getting off the car to follow her mother's steps.  She jumped a little when she came to a path filled with stones at the entrance of the hospital and cursed Adeel in her head for it.

"Or he'll get finished."


"Tell him to stop all that he's doing." He inhaled and the sound of repetitive gulps came. It seemed he was drinking something "I didn't want to mess his life up more than it already is."

Aamanee hangs up out of anger and increases her speed behind Farouk and Waleeda, to catch up with them on the second floor steps as she was still on the first.

A doctor was called and they took her in for examinations. Her blood was extracted and taken to a lab. Three of them remained quiet, praying the result would be negative.

It took a long time before the nurse came out but she came out with a slip and gave Waleeda who exhaled with a relieved sigh as soon as she hands it to Aamanee saying


Farouk and Aamanee clasp their hands, thanking Allah for the luck that was granted on her side today. They knew there wouldn't be a solution if this was indeed her next problem.

At least, for once, life wanted to knock over someone who deserved a punishment more than she did.

Adeel dropped the phone and looked at Nana who laid her head on his shoulder, typing a message on her phone. He kissed her head and inhaled the smell of her coconut shampoo then hugged her closer.

No one knew it but he'd forever be grateful for her. When everyone would've deserted him she stayed with him and loved him despite all the negativity from his past. He shared and would never lie to her.

He supported everything she wanted and only made decisions with her permission because he felt he owed her his life. Adeel was close to killing himself when he met her but she changed everything he was about.

Abdullah was off on one of his travels when Waleeda first told him she didn't want them to ever get intimate again and by then he was really in love with her but she threatened him with telling her husband.

Adeel moved out of the house for his NYSC to a friends house where they rented it for a year because it was close to their work location. The roommate was a druggie who initiated him to the life with freebies and after that he started to use them to become numb whenever he thought of her.

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