3 | Miss Independent

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Like any other day, Yusuf woke up early and today he had prepared to travel to Porthacourt with his boss AKA the managing director; Miss Aamna with a few other colleagues for an interstate seminar even if he wasn't required to.

"Are you ready Mr Yusuf?" She flicked her eyelashes, flirtatiously smiling so slow it could come off as seductive but all he could think of was Zayda.

He answered with a nod, still arguing back and forth with Nadine via WhatsApp who was teasing him about finding the letter with his name when it was actually Farouk's.

"Mr Yusuf." She called.

"Yes." He dropped his phone in his pocket, still wondering why she asked him to join her for the trip to the airport in her car when he could've driven there in his car.

"Do you have..." Her phone rang and she answered it angrily—she had to forfeit a discussion with the man of her dreams because it was one of her co-workers.

"What do you want?" She growled. It seemed the person on the phone was important to her as her tone reduced to a much softer tune, "We're on the way to the airport. Just wait at your hotel till we arrive."

She switched her phone off immediately the call ended and turned to Yusuf, ogling his well structured face to his lush lips and well carved side burns.

"He's so fine, will he even notice I'm in love with him if I don't shoot my shot?" She murmured, still staring at his slouched figure that looked as if it was about to enter the window screen.

"Mr Yusuf are you married?" She blurted out after repeatedly beating herself about what his reaction would be.

She didn't care anymore. It was all about the end—if he would be hers—alone, or as the side chick—whichever relationship status he was willing to accommodate in his life at the moment. She really didn't give a f.

The distracted Yusuf turned immediately, taken aback by her question.

This was a line he never wanted to cross with any of the women above or equal to him in his workplace because he knew where it would end—either unemployed or love sick.

He had been in a relationship in the past and at work before but not with his boss. She was a girl he knew back in his islamiyya days who coincidentally happened to be working in the HR department far up in the ranks than a starter like he was—then. They both thought it would end with them tying the knot but they were all wrong.

End of the story was that she cheated and he, who he thought she loved, ended up not eating properly for almost a month in the name of purging her out of his system.


"Don't make me repeat myself." She took in deep breaths, shutting her eyes in intervals as she nervously pursed her lips.

He cleared his throat, "I heard you. I'm just wondering.... why you asked" he blinked, "Well, I'm not married."

In some settings they conversed as friends while at others they were boss and worker. At the moment they were neither and all she saw was the man of her dreams which gave him the power to speak to her without regard sometimes. He knew what she wanted but he wasn't sure he was interested.

"We're adults. I don't want to play around. Just tell me if you find me attractive."

"I mean..." He began, "You're beautiful but I don't know about what you want?"

"Which one is you don't know what I want?" She bawled, "I love you Yusuf. I don't want anything else except marriage."

He blushed, looking away because his mind was already in the gutter before she explained what she meant.

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