Chapter 6

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Jill’ s POV

Sex tape… I cant believe it. Harry and his cousin. Jennifer.

Perhaps she was right when she told me about their bet. Maybe they are hooking up and mess with people’s lives. Jennifer’s husband and I are just their toys. This is not right, I have to stop it.

Harry and Jennifer are not the people they are trying to be. Harry is not loving and caring and Jennifer is not a good wife at all. I have to show this to their family and to the world. This will devastate them and their company. Harry will pay me for playing with me.

Revenge… that’s right.

Jennifer’s POV

What  a nice family dinner. Sadly, Marc wasn’t here. I am determinate, I will be a good wife to Marc from now on and I will move on from Harry.

What we had was a teen mistake, now we are grown up and we both have our relationships. What we are doing is wrong. Very wrong.

After dinner we are enjoying the hot summer night outside around the pool. No one actually is swimming but just sitting on the bathe beds and chatting.

“I will call Marc” I said about to get up but my ribs disobey. “Oww” I weep .

“What’s wrong Jennifer?” my uncle came to me immediately. “My ribs hurt. I cant get up”. He held me gently “Here..Walk slowly” he walked me aside so I can talk freely.

“I will be right back. Call for me when you’re done talking” he smiled and kissed my temple.

“Thanks Uncle” I smiled too and he left. I love him. He’s like my father. Since my parents died Im living in this house.. err.. not now because I have my own apartment where I live with Marc. But this Is my childhood house.

My thoughts are snapped by Marc.

“Hey, honey, how are you feeling?”

“Im good Marc. How about you? How is work going? I miss you” Im not even trying to be cute. I feel it.

“Actually Im having problems with my email. Can you please open It from your laptop and tell me the unread mails”

“Sure. But I have to go inside and this will take time. I will call you. Okay?”  “Sure. Take care”

I called my Uncle back and he walked me to my room. “Good night sweetheart. Later your Aunt will check on you” he said before to close the door.

“Thanks. Night Uncle”

I opened Marc’s email and read the subjects. One specific caught my eye.

*Lets meet tomorrow* From Jill Goodacre.

Is  she for real? Why does she want to see my husband? I felt  my blood racing.

I deleted it immediately and looked at the other mails, all for business. I called Marc and told him about the mails… That he is supposed to know.

2 Weeks Later.

Im healed and I can go back to work. Finally.

Jill  hasn’t tried to contact Marc so its really fine for me to be close with him.

Here I am. Sitting bored on my director chair. Scrolling through facebook. No one is online to chat to.

There’re knocks on my door. “Come in” 

“Jennifer.. There’s a woman that wants to talk with you” my assistant told me.

What  if it’s Jill? Why does she want to talk with me? About what?

“Who is she?” I asked “I don’t know.. I haven’t seen her before..”

I sigh.. I have to face this. “Walk her to the meeting room. I will be there in a few” I nodded and she walked out.

I adjusted my hair and pencil skirt. I put some lips glow and grabbed my phone.

I walked to the meeting room, expecting to see Jill’s bitchy face but I was surprised. There was standing a lady. My aunt’s age lady. Wearing  a baby pink dress. She looks familiar. Where do I know her from..

“Jennifer…” she said low in a whisper. This voice.. it’s similar. I have heard it before.

“You.. I know you..” I said staring at her hazel brown eyes.

My phone buzzed in my hand taking me out of the trance. “Excuse me..” I smiled and walked out of the room.

I unlocked the phone and saw a message from Harry.

‘ Meet me at the yacht. It’s important. You have 30min’

What? Harry never urges me like that. Maybe it’s really important.. What about the lady? I cant leave her. I wanna hear why she is here.

My heart beats fast. Why?

I call Harry. Maybe we can talk over the phone and leave it for later.

I dial his number several time but he seems to be drop deaf.. Really Harry?

Finally he answers. “Har? What’s so  important? I have a meeting. Can I come over later?”

“Twenty five minutes Jennifer…” I heard Jill’s mean voice. New Orleans was about to came out of my mouth but she hung up immediately.


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