Chapter 13

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Leah's POV

"Baby, Im leaving. Are you sure you don't want to come with me?" I say to Jennifer while Im putting my hair in a bun.

She wouldnt come with me, that's for sure but I dont want her to suspect anything.

"No, Im good. Thank you" she said not separating her eyes from the TV.

"Okay then, take care" I say and kiss her head. This girl needs to take a shower.

"Whatever, bye" she said coldly as ever.

I go to the cafe where I'd meet the man of Jennifer's dreams. Litterally. She screams a man's name in her sleep. Almost every night. All I now is his name- Harry.

I see a man waving his hand to me. I guess it's him. Damn, he is fine piece of a human being.

"Nice to meet you, Im Harry Connick" he streches his hand for me. "The pleasure is mine. Im Leah Remini" I smile.

"I know you!! I mean I have seen you in some comersials!!" he says loudly and makes the half of the people turn our way.

"Yeah, that's me. Calm down now, I want my privacy." I chuckle but Im serious.

"So why did you make me come here?" he asks curiously. He doesnt know the reason.

"I wanted to talk with you about your sister" I say concerned. "Sister? I don't have any siblings. Im sorry, I think Im the wrong person" he says uncomfortable. Oh crap!

But they both have indentical surnames. Thats weird.

"So you don't know Jennifer Connick? I mea-"

"What about her? Do you know where she is?" he interrepted me.

Whoa calm down mister. "If you let me talk you might get the chance to see her" I say with an atittude.

"Im sorry. I just got overwhelmed. I havent seen her in like three years" he says very excited.

Three years? Thats the time when I met her and she pleased not to ask about her past.

"So you say she's not sister of yours? Because you have the same surnames" I smirk.

"She used to be my cousin.. I mean we thought we were but she came to be adopted"

My eyes widened. Poor Jen.

I was staring blankly when he snaps me "Where is she? Can I see her?..She was pregnant when she left"

"I don't know if she would want to. She got through so much". He nodded and sighed.

"How do you know her anyway?" he asks me.

I tell him how I met Jen.

Jennifer's POV


I hear the load noise that makes me jump from the couch. "What the hell Leah? I was asleep" I scream.

"Im sorry I dropped the handle. I bring you food" she smiled and hand me a paper bag of burger king.

"Thank you, I love you" I say and take it. I look at her and she is just standing there doing nothing.

"Where are your bags? You said shopping?" I look at her confused.

"Oh..My agent called and I couldn't go shopping" she said pouting her lips.

"Maybe tomorrow we could go together" I give her a side smile.

"Really? You want to get out of here?" she says excited. "Yeah, I do" I smile. She comes closer and hugs me.

"Nah Leah, go away. I wanna eat now" I giggle as she attacks me om the couch.

I guess it's time to move on now.

Harry's POV

I get back in the hotel. Im so happy, finally after three long years I found her. Oh, Jennifer..

I call my mom immediately. "Hey Mama, I got news" I say happy as ever.

"Whats up boy?" she says. "I know where Jen is. I could meet her"

"Really? Can you bring her back here?" mom is happy too, who wouldn't?

"I dont know if she would want to, I mean I talked only with her friend"

"Come on Harry. Your grandmother would be very happy. You know how much we miss her right?" she begs me.

"I will try mom. I have to go now"

I hung up and lie on the bed and let out a sigh. I found her.

Not much time has passed and my phone vibrates again. I look at the phone and it's Leah. I answer immediately.

"Hey Leah, whats up?"

"Tomorrow we will be in the mall. I have a plan"

"Okay, what is it" I sit on the bed and cross my legs. Im eager to know, Im eager to meet Jen.

"Okay, mister I got it. I'll be there in one hour just text me the address" she says so formal. What the?

"What? Is Jen there?"

"Yes. See you soon"

I hung up and text the address of my hotel. I cant wait.

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