Chapter 12

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Harry's POV

"Do you have any news from Jen?" my granny asks.

"No Gran, if I had I'd tell first to you" I try to comfort her.

"Ayy. Where is my girl?" she says mid sobbing.

"It was too much for her. Maybe she needs some time to think and figure things out. She'll come back" my mom says.

"It's been a week already" my granny adds.

They still don't know about the baby. If I tell them now they'd get more worried.

Jennifer's POV

Leah and I are having lunch in a fast food restaurant.

"So do you have friends in here?" she asks as she chokes her food.

I think for a moment if there are people who I know in LA.

"Hey, I think it's not a question about your past"

"Oh no, no.. I was thinking." I chuckle. "I don't know anyone, how about you?"

"My roommate. But she left me so I don't have much friends. Maybe a few from the acting classes"

She doesn't have a roommate and I live in a hotel. Should I risk to ask her to live together? We just met..

Well, whatever.. The people I lived with for the whole my life turned to be strangers..

"Hey Leah, do you need a new Roommate?" I ask her?

"Well, yes. But who?" she gives me a thinking face. "You?" she adds.

"Well maybe, if you want to" I try to be hesitant but the truth is I want to live with someone. I don't want to be alone.

"Of course I want. I mean I don't like being alone plus we can get to know each other better" she says so happily and excited.

But wait. I'm pregnant. How would she react on that? Should I tell her? Of course I have to..

"Leah I have a small problem, well perhaps it's not that small, it could be big, and it could go to a college after 18 years"

"What do you mean?" she asks confused. "I'm pregnant and I'd totally understand if you can't accept me as a friend and a roommate"

"Hey, I might look like a judgmental bitch but I'm kinda not. Look, I know you have problems and you want to have a new beginning so I support you and I'd help with whatever I can. Plus I really need a friend" she says warmly and pouts at the end.

This melts my heart. I know leah for a couple of hours but somehow I trust her and I know that she is honest and sincere.

"Thank you Lee. I will be a good friend and a roommate. Can I hug you now?" I giggle. She does so and stretch her arms. I walk around the table and hug her.

Later That Day.

"I can't believe you have only 4 suitcases with you." Leah says open-mouthed as I walk in her condo.

"It's just my clothes. I don't need anything else, I mean I need but I'm gonna buy new things. I don't want anything to holds me to my past" I say dramatically.

"Hello. You have a baby. This baby always will remind you to someone from 'the past' " she says in a matter of fact.

I just roll my eyes. She is right..

Her apartment is actually kinda big. There's a weird staircase that leads only to one room. I guess that's her bedroom.

"Make you comfortable" she says as she hops in the big couch.

"Thank you again. Where would be my bedroom?" I ask. I wanna unpack my stuff and take a shower.

"The right door next to the kitchen. Do you want me to help you?" she asks.

"Oh no, I'm fine. Thank you" I say as I go in my room.

Nice home, I'm gonna have.

3 Years Later.

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