Chapter 20

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Harry's POV

Jennifer, Morgan and I are at the local aquarium. We go under these tunnels and the fish are swimming around.

"Are you enjoying it baby?" Jen asks Morgan.

"Yes, so much. Thank you Jen" she smiles adorably and runs to see the dolphins.

"What about you? Are you enjoying yourself?" I ask Jennifer. She smiles and hugs me. "Yeah. It's better than staying at home and watching TV"

"I'm hungry" Morgan says after a while and we hear her little tummy groans.

"I know a new opened place near" I say and we leave.

Jennifer's POV

We come to this breakfast area. It's really nice and cosy. We sit on a booth. Harry is opposite of me and Morgan.

"What do you want to eat baby?" I ask her.

"Pancakes!" she says and we wait for a waitress.

After a while a waitress comes and takes our orders. As we wait the place starts to get full with people.

"Oh no.. " Harry mumbles as when looks behind me. I wonder what's wrong.

" What's the matter?" I ask and hold his hand.

"Marc is here.." he says.

My eyes widened. He can't be here. I don't wanna see him. Not now and not here. We're having a good time.

"Fuck" Harry mouths to me.

"Hi Harry.. And Jennifer. Always together" Marc approaches us.

"Hi Marc" Harry says politely as I flash a fake smile.

"So you're now a family? Congrats for the beautiful baby" he adds looking at Morgan.

Harry and I look at each other. It's kinda weird and kinda intimidating.

"If you think I am their child, I am not, sir. Mom and dad are in Italy and this summer I will spend with my grandmother" Morgan says. She's so cute.

"Oh really Jennifer? Because the last time I saw you were pregnant. With his child" Marc says. Okay, I understand he is mad but should he make scenes here?

"Marc, it was nice to see you but I think you should go now" Harry hisses.

Marc doesn't say a word, just leaves. The orders come and we all eat pancakes.

"I think we should go. Our grandmothers would be worried" Harry says to Morgan.

"If you're cousins why are you a couple?" she asks.

Shoot. I will wait for Harry to answer. His lips are in a firm line and his eyes wander. He doesn't know what to say.

My phone rings and he let's out a sigh. You think it was that easy?

"Baby, tell me his answer" I say to Morgan and wink then get out to talk with Leah.

"Leah!" I say excited

"Hello stranger. How you doing?" she says.

"Good. How about you? I missed you"

"I'm doing fine without you but I respect you, also I don't want you to kill me.. Anyway can I wear your dark blue dress tonight?" Leah being Leah.

"Why? Where are you going and with who?"

"Oh.. There's one guy from the cast. I just want to give it a try"

"That's great. I'm so happy for you. Of course you can wear the dress"

"Also it's the third date and I'm planning on sucking his dick tonight" she giggles.

Leah. Being. Leah.

"I have nothing to say. Enjoy your night and don't ruin my dress" I giggle too.

"How's Harry?" she asks.

"He's good. We met Marc awhile ago. But we good" I sigh

"Marc?" she asks confused

"Oh, Marc is my ex husband" I say awkwardly.

"I get it. I can't wait you to come back and finally tell me everything."

"Two more days baby" I say and we hung up.

I go back inside "Shall we go?" I say to my people. Morgan is giggling mischievous and Harry is looking at me, kinda looking like the emoji with hearts for eyes.

"Hey!" I snap them.

"Oh? You're back. Let's go home now and remember Morgan, don't say our plan to anyone" Harry winks at her and hugs me to go.

"Plan? What plan?" I give them a look.

Harry looks at Morgan again.

"you know when people make surprises for other people? They don't tell the surprise cuz it won't be a surprise anymore" Morgan says with sass.

I look at Harry and he shrugs his shoulders. "You heard the kiddo"

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