Chapter 3

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Jennifer's POV 

"Are you ready?" he asked from outside the bedroom. "Yes, baby. Gimme a minute" I screamed back. 

Tonight we are going on a dinner. I dont really want but Im his wife in the end of the day. Since Harry is playing to get Jill and he's actually falling for her  I dont have other choose. I will lose his anyway. Sigh.. 

I fix my hair in a classy bun and go out. "Ready" I smiled at Marc as he pecked my lips. Okay, it's pretty awkward because my 6inch heels make me taller than him. 

We are eating in this fancy restaurant and talking about work. He's making some new deals. My back was facing the enter so I couldnt see who is entering and who is exiting. "Oh God. Look who is here!" Marc said excitedly.

I turned back and saw Harry and Jill holding hands. He's impressing her. I turned back to the table and looked down at my plate. I dont like seeing him with other women. Im so possessive over him. Im jealous. Im in love. 

I heard a pair footsteps rushing toward us. I can hear heels. No, dont tell me its them.

"Hi guys! Nice to see you here.." i heard Harry's deep voice. "Hello cousin-in-law" Marc giggled. Oh God. "Hi Harry" I smiled politely. Then he introduced Jill, like we dont know her. 

"Why dont we move to another table together?" Marc suggested. please, stop. "It'd be great! That way you can get to know Jill!" Harry lightened up. 

We ended up eating together. We were chatting and laughing but actually I didnt feel comfortable around this Jill chick. I regret of giving Harry this kind of bet. Wait! The bet! I have a plan. 

I chocked.  A fake one. "Please, excuse me" I said and headed to the comfort room but before I left I gave Jill a look to follow me. "I will come to help you" she said and came with me. 

When we entered the restroom I stopped acting. "Leave Harry" i said firmly. "W-what?" 

"You heard me. Leave Harry. He doesnt love you" She rubbed her forehead "What do you mean he doesnt love me? He always says that he do!" You dumb bitch. 

'It's a bet. We betted that he fuck you before your wedding. He's here to make you fall in love and ruin you" She is shocked I can tell. She sheds a tear and walked out of the comfort room. Oh God, no.. She's going to tell Harry. 

I walk to the table and sit down.I feel nervous.  "Harry, we gotta go" Jill said. I gotta stop them. "Why? it's still early, Harry". Harry giggle "I promised something to her" 

What? Is it what I am thinking it is? Harry gave me a mischievous grin and they left. 

Harry's POV 

I headed to the car but Jill decided to take a cab. What?

"Jill? Where are you going baby?" "Home" she snapped shortly. "Let me drive you.." "No need" 

What the? Why is she acting like that? "Jill talk to me" A cab stopped by her and she get inside. Why is she mad? 

I tried to call her several times but she didnt answer. Wait? Why am I worried? Why do I care if she is mad? I do this because of the bet with Jennifer. But I think I am really falling for Jill. She's different. 

I go to my yacht and pour some whiskey. I cant stop thinking of Jill. 

In the morning I wake up by continuously beeping. It's my phone. I answer it without looking at the caller ID. "Yes?" 

"Meet me at the cafe near the west mall community" It's Jill! "O-okay. Be there after an hour!" I hung up quickly and go to take a shower. I dressed up and headed to the cafe. 

I eentered and saw her sitting alone on a table. 'Hey babe" I greet her. I expected her to hug me but she didnt move from her chair. "Good morning" 

"What do you want to talk about?" "The bet" Excuse me? How does she know?

"What bet?" I asked her. "Between you and your cousin" How does she fucking know? 

I let her talk and she told me about last night. Why did Jennifer do it on first place? I am mad at her. Im furious. I understand that she wants to win the bet but I do have feelings for Jill. Now Jill is mad at me. Will she ever forgive me? I must talk to Jennifer and she better give me a logical  explanation. 

Jennifer's POV 

Last night I couldnt sleep thinking about this whole thing. What did I do? I screwed everything just because my feelings towards my cousin. I have Marc.

Im afraid to call Harry or go to his yacht. Maybe Jill hasnt told him. I surely hope so. 

I was getting sick myself in the bed when my phone rang. Harry. 

I answered it weakly. "Come on the yacht ASAP!" he said furiously and hung up. Fuck! She told him. What should I do? What should I say? The truth? Im going crazy...

I dressed up and headed to his yacht. He was waiting for me on the dock. "Why did you want  to see me?" I asked bravely. Im guessing why tho. 

"Get inside" he held the side of my arm and pushed me inside. "Ouch. You're hurting me!" 

"Why did you tell her? Why did you ruin everything?" he asked madly. I can see flames in his eyes. They are burning. 

Hold it Lopez. "Because..I- I wanted to win the bet!" I said "Jennifer how do you dare? Dont you see i like her? I changed. It's been a month since I met her and I feel like a new person. We should stop our game Jennifer. Im in love!" 

That hurts as hell. Period cramps are nothing comparing to this. 

I found myself sniffing. "W- why are you crying?" he asked me walking closer to me. 

I cant tell him. "Leave me alone. Go to your Jill" I sobbed and walked out of the yacht. "Jennifer?! Are you jealous? Is that the reason you told her?" 

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