Chapter 16

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Jennifer's POV

I hear voices as I begin to wake up. I recognize the female voice- it's Leah, and the other is Harry.

Harry. Did he sleep here? The last thing I remember was watching TV and chatting with him.

"I have a shooting in 30min. I have to go, take care of her" I hear Leah.

I open my eyes and find myself in the living room.

I untuck myself from the blanket and scratch as I groan.

"Oh, Morning Jen. How did you sleep?" I hear Harry.

I smile. "Great. I haven't slept like this for a while"

"Baby, I have to go, I prepared breakfast for you" Leah says and hugs me.

"Okay busy lady" I say and she smiles.

Leah leaves and I am left with Harry. We eat breakfast and decide to go for a walk.

"Walk me around LA" Harry says.
"It's a big city, I don't know a lot of places, maybe just home, my work, Leah's work and the mall" I giggle. I haven't giggle for so long.

I feel alive again. And it's a good feeling. Maybe I'm finally healed from what happened with them.

Harry let's out a small laugh too. "There's a nice park nearby. We can go there if you want to" I say.

"Pleasure" he says and we head to the park.

We sit on the bench and stare at the playground. There're some kids playing.

"Jennifer, I really missed you.. I'm so happy that Leah contacted me and I found you" Harry says.

I smile. "I'm happy you found me"

One girl came running to us, I think she lost her ball. She got long curly hair and blue eyes. She looks a lot like Liv, my baby Liv.

She found her ball and walked away to play, I find a tear rolling down my chick. Harry noticed it and wiped it away. His expression changed, from a happy to a concerned one.

"Jen? What happened?" he holds my hand.

"Our baby, Harry"

"Our baby?" his eyes widened.

"We had a baby girl. But I killed her Harry, I killed them" I say quietly.

His face melts and he hugged me.
"Them?" he asks.

"I had a boyfriend. Nothing serious but yet.." I feel his eyes narrow.

"Liv was one year and 9 months old.. "

I find myself sobbing so Harry hugs me thither and burries my head in his neck croach.

" Enough Jen, don't say a word" he says and rubs my back.

We stay like this for a while and I break away. "Wanna go home?" he says, I nod and we leave.

Harry's POV

So we had a baby, she kept it. I wonder what happened but I don't want seeing her hurt. And Im curious about her boyfriend. God, am I jealous?

We reached her apartment and she went to sleep. Im staying in the living room, waiting for eather Leah come home or Jen wake up.

I feel my phone vibrate so I pull it out of my pocket. It's mom.

"Hey, Ma" I say. "Hey boy, how are you? Did you talk with Jenny? Is she coming back?" she pours out questions.

"Im fine, Jen is good, she's sleeping right now so I don't know" Well, I know but I want it to be a surprise.

I can hear her gush with Gran. "God, Harry, make her come here, we miss her"

"Im doing my best, mom. She has a work and life here, she may be busy"

I hear the front door opens so I hurry up to hung up. "I have to go, her friend just came back"

"Okay, make Jen visit us" she said and hung up.

"Hi Leah" I say. "Hello. Im not used to see a man sitting in my living room, Im sorry" she said a bit stunned after giggling

"Oh, Im sorry. Tomorrow night we're leaving" I say. "We?" she raises her brow.

"Jen would come with me to Miami for a couple of days I guess"

"That's great I am so happy, take care of her" she says and hugs me.

Leah is a great friend, I like her.

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