Chapter 21

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Jennifer's POV

It's my last night at home. We had a nice dinner, my things are packed and now Harry and I are cuddling in bed and watching Netflix.

"I like that" I mumble.

"Really? This is the most boring thing I've ever watched"

"No I mean, us, now. I like it" I mumble again and I feel his hand on my hair, softly stroking it.

"We got this" he says.

What does it mean? Tomorrow I'm leaving and I don't know when I will come back again. But I trust him.

"Okay" I say and kiss his neck.

"Now sleep. We gotta get up early" he says and kisses my forehead.

Harry's POV

In the morning I wake up and check the time. We still got thirty minutes to sleep.

I turn to Jennifer and see her turned back, deeply asleep. It's time to wake her up!

I go closer to her and remove the hair locks of her face. I hold her nose so she can't breathe. Eventually she'll wake up or die.

She lets out a groan and lets go of my grip.

"Wake up" I whisper.

"Go away. It's too early " she says and covers her head.

I let her sleep and go to the bathroom. After that I dress up and go downstairs to the folks but I see only my mom.

" Morning" I say

"Is Jen still asleep?" my mom asks.

"Yes, she doesn't want to get up so I let her be" I say and pour some coffee in my cup.

"Are you sure about all this we talked yesterday?" she adds.

"Yes mom. I want to be closer to her" I say and sit down the stool.

"You love her, don't you" she winks.

I smile and nod. "I do. I do from a long time"

"Does Jen know?"

"Of course she does. It's mutual"

"This is great to hear but baby, you're cousins"

"Mom, you know about it. I don't think it's wrong or something"

"I understand you and I support you but what about your grandmother? She wouldn't like that"

"That's why I'm moving to Cali so I can keep an eye on Jennifer." I smile and sip of my coffee.

"Good luck with that. Im gonna do the laundry and then start the breakfast" mom says and gets up from the stool of the breakfast bar.

After awhile Jen appears still sleepy.

"Coffee?" she groans.

I point to where the coffee is and she pours herself.

"when will you call Leah?" I ask.

"Later. I need coffee now" she says and sits on the stool that mom was sitting on.

"I can do it for you" I smile.

Jennifer gives me a look and hands me her phone.

I dial Leah's number and wait.

"Look who is awake that early" Leah starts teasing.

"You should see her, she got the killer glance" I chuckle.

"Oh hi Harry, how you doing?"

"Good thank you, I do the morning call routine. Jen is up too early to communicate with another human being so I call you"

"I will kill you" I hear Jen.

"That's cute, say hi to Jen and that I wait her"

"Okay, bye Leah" I hung up.

Jennifer's POV

I bid goodbye with the family and Harry is about to drive me to the airport.

"When will you come back? " my grandma asks.

" As soon as I can" I say back.

"Come on Jen, we will be late" Harry says as he closes the trunk of the car.

I hug everyone once again and get in the car.

We arive at the airport and he takes my suitsacks. And get inside.

"Wait, these are more than I came with?" I ask Harry, confused.

"Now is the moment. I waited for it the whole morning" Harry smiles.

He puts down the suitcase and holds my hands.

"Jenny, I was so devastated when you left the first time, now I am not stupid enough to let you go again."

"What do you mean? Are you coming with me?"

He smiles and nods. I can't believe it, this is amazing. I hardly contain my tears and happiness. I throw my arms around his neck and he hugs me thigh.

"I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you"

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