Chapter 8

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Harry's POV

That was totally weird, Jem coming here and leaving right after I arrive.

"Jill, baby, do you want to go somewhere?" I suggest to Jill since Im bored.

"Yeah, I was thinking about it. Lets go to the zoo"

We changed and get in the car. The ride is quiet, I mean the radio plays but none of us is talking. Maybe it's perfect timing to ask about Jennifer.

"What did Jen say?"

Jill was looking out of thr window but turned to me once I spoke.

"Uhm, she told you. She tried to contact you and I told her to come over" Jill gulped, like hiding something.

"But she left once I showed up" I narrowed my eyes. I trust Jill but now, somehow I dont believe her.

"She said she had work, Harry..." Jill raised her voice.

"Hey, hey..calm down. Why do you get hothead?" I try to calm her down by holding her hand on her thigh.

"You always brag about her, Harry. It's always Jennifer, Jennifer.."

I get it, she's jealous. It's funny how they both are jealous of each other.

"Jilly, Jen is my cousin. Stop being jealous, you're my girl. I love you.." I lift her hand and gently brush it to my lips. Somehow, part of me didnt believe what I just said.

"Cousins are not lovers, Harry..." she smirked and pulled her hand away.

"What? What do you mean?" I widened my eyes.

"All the signs were before my eyes. I was blind to see them..." she said looking down in her lap.

"What do you mean baby?" 

"You and Jennifer.. You got a bet about me. You always defend her. You canceled our dinner just to be with her in the hospital. You always talk about her. You are in love with her, Harry" she brust in tears. No. Im not in love with Jennifer. I cant be. She has Marc and I have Jill.

I feel lost for words. "Jill, Im sorry if I have made you feel this way"

" say that you have never been with her?" she narrowed her eyes.

I let out a sigh. "I havent". She just smiled and looked out of the window. "Okay".

Whew.. I think she believed.

Jennifer's POV

Once I reached the office I went straight to my Assistant. "Jennifer? Are you okay? You look pale"

I actually Im not feeling well. Everything is so fucked up. "Yeah..Im fine. Is my visitor still here?"

"No. But she left this" she handed me a doll and a paper. I take it and read the paper. Its a phone number and her name 'Caterine Rose. Call me when you're ready'

Ready for what? "Did she tell something?"

"She said that you're very beautiful" What tha? Maybe I should talk to Aunt?

"Thats weird.. Any calls?" "None.."

"Okay. I will be in my office"

I sit down on the spinning chair and stare blank at the black screen of my laptop. How would I get 15 million dollars due to tomorrow? Thats just impossible. Marc would ask me. My uncle would ask me. Im going crazy.

I put my head in my hands and lean forward on the desk. I just wanna cry. I have so many problems and this stupid stomachace wont go away.

I lift up my head and look around my desk. Folders, documents, pictures of Marc, my Grandma, Uncle and Aunt, the laptop and a calendar.

I look closer to the calendar. 6th of March. Then it hit me, what would it be? I start to count back the days.. 21st of February.

Oh my God. Im fucked, Im totally fucked. I havent had sex with Marc for like 3 months.

I wipe my tears, fix my make up and hair and go to the nearest drug store for pregnancy test.

I buy 3, to be sure. I go back in the office and take them all.

I wait and wait.. I wait a little bit more and look at the result.

They all show positive. All.God, Im pregnany. What am I gonna do now?

Should I tell Marc and pretend it's his baby? But he's not dumb. Or should I do an abortion? It's not right to kill an inoncent human being.

While Im in the comfort room, staring at my pale reflection in the mirror I hear my phone ringing.

I walk over to my desk and answer it. It's Marc.

"Im leaving work. Do you want me to come over and pick you up?"

"Y-yeah. Sure." I said as he hung up. Please God, give me strength.

I collect my stuff and go outside in the parking lot. After about 2 minutes a black Benz showed up. Marc.

I get inside and put my belt on. "Hi baby" I smile at him but he stays still, looking firmly forward.

"Hello Jen"

We reached the restaurant and ordered our meals. Maybe now its time to tell him.


"Jennifer, I wanted to tell you something" Marc spoke right before me.

"Really? What is it?" I will tell him right after him.

"I want divorce"

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