Chapter 18

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Harry's POV

Jen and I are heading to the airport. Today we're going to Miami.

She refused to come back officially but just for a couple of days or maybe a week.

Leah is taking us with her car. Once we're here they say their goodbyes and hug each other.

"Take care of my best friend Harry, or else I have to beat up your ass" she says giggling but damn I know she is serious.

"I better" I chuckle.

Jennifer and Leah hug one more time and we get inside the airport.

We check our tickets and go to our seats.

"I will miss her" Jennifer says.

"It's just a week. You'll be alright" I say and hold her hand on her knee.

"Yeah, I guess." she sighs and looks out of the window.

She looks bothered. "What's the matter?"

"I'm nervous and anxious. I wanna see them so bad but at the same time I'm afraid"

I let go of her hand and hug her, pulling her closer to me. "It'll be alright. They miss you so much and it's a surprise that you're coming" I smile and kiss her forehead.

"Really? Didn't you come here to get me back?"

"Kind of. I told mom that you're hard to convince to come and she believed" I giggle as Jen rolled her eyes.

Jennifer's POV

I fall asleep but when we're about to land Harry wakes me up.

"We are here" he whispers.

We get out of the plane and take our luggage. "I gotta call Leah" I say and take my phone.

"You changed your number" Harry says looking at my phone.

It's an awkward silence since I don't know what to say. "I'll give you my new so we can talk" I smile awkwardly

We get in a cab and we're driven to my aunt's house. I missed these streets and these buildings.

After a while we're already at the house. Harry takes the suitsacks from the tank and I ring the doorbell.

My heart is beating fast.

The door cracks open and it's my uncle. I smile shyly at him.

"Jen?" he whispers.

"Hi" I flash a smile.

He doesn't say anything else but hugs me tight. A little bit too tight actually. "Welcome back home, girlie"

"Harry? Who is it?" I hear Gran shouting from inside.

"The kids" my uncle shouts back.

"Which kids?"

Harry and I giggle. "Go greet her" my uncle says and we all get inside.

I go first and go straight to the living room. She is sitting on the couch and reading something.

"Hey, Gran" I say in a low voice and smile.

She turns her gaze at me, her eyes widened and get teary. She spreads her arms "Jennifer" she whispers.

I go to her and sit down, hugging her. God, I how I missed her.

"Where were you? You said you'd call. Jennifer we were so worried about you, my girl"

"I'm fine Granny. I came to visit you"

"Just to visit us? But why?"

"I have work in LA, I can't leave it"

She nods and keeps on hugging me.

"Gran, don't you miss me?" we hear Harry jokingly whines.

We laugh and I let go of her so she can hug Harry.

"Where's mom?" Harry asks.

"She's out with her friend from New York"

"Leave her, let's talk about Jennifer" Gran says and we start to chat.

Apparently they don't know that I was pregnant when I left so I don't say anything. I don't want to.

Harry's POV

An hour later my mom comes home with her friend and her friend's granddaughter. She's a little girl, she's so cute and her name is Morgan but I'm a little worried about Jennifer.

"Harry? You're home? What about Jennifer?" mom says once she sees me in the kitchen, drinking water.

"You have thirty seconds to find her in the house" I chuckle and take another sip.

At dinner we eat all together again just like before I move in the yacht and Jennifer marry Marc. Mom's friend and Morgan are also here. They're actually staying over for a couple of days.

"Jen, I said the cook to prepare your favourite meals" Gran says.

"Thank you Gran. I really missed this kind of homemade pasta" she says and smile.

After dinner Jen and I are sitting on the garden swing and drink wine.

"How are you?" I ask her.

She traces the end of her glass with her fingertip "I don't know. In the middle" she says and sighs sharply. "I'm good because I'm not bad. You know that song?" she chuckles.

I hug her and kiss her head. I'm still in love with her. It's not like before to want her because of lust and sex, I want her because of her. And yet she's my cousin and everything is fucked up.

"Whatever you're dealing with, I'm here to deal it with too okay?"

She lays her head on my shoulder and I keep slowly rocking the swing.

We stay quiet until Morgan comes to us running followed by mom.

"Hey baby girl" Jen says and makes Morgan sit in her lap.

"You're so beautiful" she says and Jennifer giggles. Adorable.

"Thank you baby, you're gorgeous too" she replies.

"Jen, uhm.. We are redecorating the guests room and Meryl and Morgan are staying in your room, so you can sleep maybe with Harry?" my mom says

She looks at me and smiles "That's okay, we can share the bed"

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