Chapter 14

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Jennifer's POV

I put my sunglasses on and go out of my room. "Im ready" I say as I go in the kitchen for a glass of water.

Leah is still up in her room, I guess.

"Jen, come on" she shouts as she jumps down through the staircase. She doesn't know Im in the kitchen.

"Im here" I say quietly and put down the glass. "Oh, I didn't see you, lets go now" she puts her long-strapped bag on her shoulder and grabs the keys.

I follow her outside.

Jennifer's POV

We are walking around the mall, we got like two, three bags each. I forgot how good shopping is.

Leah seems to be nervous and uncomfortable. She looks around like searching to find someone.

"Lee? Are you expecting someone?" I ask her.

"Who? No, I dont" she answers distracted. I let her be.

After awhile a man approaches us. Oh no.

"Leah? Leah Remimi is that you? The woman from the comersial for the-" this voice..

"Uh.. Yeah, thank you for recognizing me" she smiles. She has no idea who he is.

"Leah, lets go home" I say quietly as I pull her arm.

"Jen, wait, he is a fan" "J-Jennifer" he says surprised.

I stay frozen. I missed his voice, I missed him. "Leah, please" I beg.

Look at my luck. Once I decide to go out of the apartment for 4 months and I will meet Harry.

Everything is coming back to me. I thought that Im finally good, that nothing holds me back to him, to the beautiful girl I had with him..

Harry's POV

Leah was right, Jennifer is not excited or happy to see me. I dont see the sparkles in her eyes. She is different, she is sad. I wonder what happened.

"Jen, I missed you" I say.

"Wait, you know each other?" Leah asks fakingly surprised.

I look Jennifer in the eyes, I know that through her black sunglasses she's looking at me too.

"I used to know him" Jennifer whispers.

"Hey, I bet you have a lot to talk about. Why don't you, Harry, come with us for a lunch?" Leah says.

I would love to but Jennifer seems to want otherwise. "If Jennifer wants me to.."

She shuders her shoulders. "Im hungry"


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