Chapter 11

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Harry 's POV

"Jill? What is that? Why did you do that?"

Here I am, talking with Jill about what happened and probably breaking up with her.

"Oh, so your mistress told you?"

"She' s not my mistress. Why did you tell Marc before even talk with me?"

"Remember yesterday our way to the zoo? I asked you 'have you ever been with her?' and what did you answer? 'no'. "

"W-what do you mean?" I ask confused.

"It was a test Harry. Testing you if you're honest with me.. And guess what?" she raised sarcasticaly her brow.

I feel like an ass. It feels like a betrayed both of them. But now I have to make choices. To make up the things with Jill or help Jennifer out.

I have to be a man for once.

"Do you realize that I can't tell you that sometimes I bang my cousin and most of the choices we have done are lost bets? I lied you but now I will be honest with you. I love Jennifer and I want to be with her." I said and leave her at the table. This is probably the best thing I have done in a while.

On my way to home I stop and buy chocolates for Jennifer. She will be happy.

I park the car outside the garage and get inside. Mom and Granny are sitting on the couch. They look worried.

"Hello ladies. What's up?" I greet them and sit beside mom.

"Something terrible happened, son" my mom says.

Oh no. Jennifer? Something bad happened to her?

"What happened? Jennifer? Is she alright?" I ask worried and scared.

"She found out and left us" my gran says midcrying.

"What? What did she find out? How she left us?"

They told me everything. So Jen got her suitcases and just left. I can't believe she is adopted. We're not real cousins but yet we can't be together.

Where is she now? Maybe with her mother? I have to find them.

"Do you know anything about her real mother?" I ask them.

"Her name.. It's Catherine Rose."

"I will find her and I will get Jen back. We are her family.. "

Jennifer's POV

I'm starting a new life. Just me and my baby. My unborn baby. I can't wait to hold it in my arms.

I caress gently my stomach as I sit in my car. I'm on the dock, should I go to Harry's yatch to say goodbye or should I just leave?

We are not cousins and yet we can't be together. He is with Jill. It will be harder for me. It's better to go.

I start the engine and drive off. First I will go to Marc's apartment to get my stuff then.. I don't know. Maybe a hotel.

I decide to change my phone number, I don't want anyone to call me. Maybe I will call Gran and Auntie when Im ready to talk with them again.

Maybe moving in another city is a good idea too. I have sent all my life here in Miami.. I like the ocean and my dream city is Los Angeles. Yes! I'm going there.

Harry's POV

I go to Jennifer's favourite place near the beach but she is not here. I checked her apartment but Marc said she's been there two hours ago. Where are you now Jen?

I tried to call her million times but her number is invalid. She changed it. Why? Oh why?

Her office..maybe she is there or at least her assistent knows something.

"Hi, Mr. Harry.. What brings you here?" her assistent says once she sees me.

"Have you seen Jennifer today?" I ask hopeful.

"No sir, but she called about thirty minutes ago"

Yas! That gives me some hope.

"What did she say?"

"She said that she won't come to work anymore. She is moving" what?

"Did she say where she is moving to?" I need to know, I need to..

"No sir. Im sorry"

Oh Jennifer.. Where the hell are you?

1 week later

Jennifer's POV

Here I am In LA. It's sunny and I love it, my little baby loves it too because today he doesn't make me sick.

I check in in the hotel and go to the beach. I got my book and I don't need anything else.

The sunbathe bed next to mine is free so a woman around my age takes it.

"Hello, it's a nice day today" she says in a harsh accent.

I smile and reply "Yes, it is"

"Im Leah by the way" she stretches her hand.

"Im Jennifer. Nice to meet you"

"Are you on holiday or you live here?" she asks

"I just moved to live here" "You're kidding me. Me too. I want be an actress so bad so I moved to Hollywood. How about you? Why did you move?"

She seems to be trust worthy or whatever she doesn't know me. "I run away"

She widened her eyes. "Oh why? What happened? Did you kill someone? Your husband? And now the police is after you?"

"No. Of course not. Listen, if you dont ask me about my past we can be friends"

"Why should I be friend with you? I dont know who you are" she says and puts her sunglasses on.

She is right. She doesnt know me but the truth is I don't know who I am too. The people I though are my family are not.

"When I find myself I will tell you who I am. Now can we be friends? I really need one" I purse my lips.

She gives me a look and let out a sigh "Okay. Lets be friends Jen"

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