Chapter 10

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Harry's POV

"I'm pregnant" she sobs.

She is pregnant. She is expecting a baby. Is it mine? Or Marc's?

Marc.. Such a dochebag. He left Jennifer even though she's pregnant. I take a deep breath.

"Har say something.. " Jen sobs once again. She looks so vulnerable, scared and alone..

I hug her and say "Everything is alright". I rub her back and soon she stops sobbing.

Oh Jennifer.. What you get into?

My phone rings. "Is it Jill? You should go?" Jen murmurs.

I shake my head "Her phone is in my car. I don't care who is it" I say and decline the call.

"let's put you to sleep" I say and pull over the covers.

"Stay with me tonight" she says. I smile because I have no intention of leaving her alone.

"Of course" I put her down and turn off the lights. I lie down but I feel there's under me. I shove my hand and find some kind of toy. I think it's a doll. Jennifer started with the toys way too early.

I shake my head and put it near her and fall asleep, spooning Jennifer.

Jennifer's POV

"Oh my God. I can't believe you hooked up. It's so gross" I hear someone hissing.

I feel an arm wrapped around my waist. I flutter my eyes and see my aunt standing beside the bed like "Ф"

"What?" I murmur still sleepy. "So you both come here to hook up while you got a husband at home and Harry has a girlfriend for like a month and something. Jennifer, you better stop this, you're cousins."

What tha?

"What's going on here? Be quiet" Harry groans behind me.

"We are not doing anything. We just slept here" I say.

"And I believed you. Do you know what would happen with your grandmother finds out?"

"Mom, listen, Jennifer and I are NOT hooking up. She had a hard time so I spent the night here. That's all." Harry said annoyed and climbed out of the bed.

"Oh.. You are wearing sweatpants. Baby girl, what happened to you? What problems do you have?" my aunt says.

I wait for Harry to get in the bathroom and turn my gaze back to Aunt.

I take a deep breath "Marc and I.." I don't know how to say it. "Marc and I split and he wants a divorce." I say and shut my eyes to fight the tears.

"Girlie" she says pitily and sits down next to me. "We will talk with him and everything will be alright okay?"

I shrug my shoulders. I feel hungry. That's because of the pregnancy.

"What's for eating?"

"Berta is making waffles. Get ready and come downstairs" she smiled and get up of the bed.

"What is that?" she points to the bed. I turn and see this doll. "Oh.. I wanted to talk about it with you. But maybe later. I'm hungry now" I try to giggle. She smiled and left the room.

Jennifer's POV

After breakfast my Granny and I are watching TV. Don't think of her like an old lady that watches TV all day long and has nothing to do. She is very modern and still works at the company. Sometimes she goes out with her friends or her friends come over. She is never bored.. Or boring. She is great.

"Jen, I sense that something is bothering you. What is it my girl? " she says.

" Marc and I are facing a divorce" I say about to cry.

It's funny how before I wasn't that madly in love with him but since Harry got in serious relationship I got to love Marc more.

Talking about Harry, he said he gotta meet and talk to Jill.

"Oh kid, but what happened between you?" she adds. I can't tell her the reason.

"Love left us, Granny". She rubbed my knee and smiled. "That's the thing you should do then. You are grown up and I'm old. I won't mess with your business. I want my children to be happy" she said.

"Thanks Granny"

By the time Aunt came to us and sat next to me. "What do you want to talk about. I'm still curious about the doll" she says.

"Oh the doll. Yesterday one woman came to my office. She is at your age or a bit older. She looks very familiar but I don't know why. She gave it to me."

My aunt and grandma looked at each other mount-dropped. "Did she said something?" Aunt asks me.

"Not really. We couldn't talk I had something important to deal with. When I came back she was left already. She has given the doll and her number to my secretary."

"Oh, and she said to call her when I'm ready. Whatever that means"

"What's her name?" Granny asks.

"Catherine.. Catherine Rose.. "

" Dear Lord.. She found you.. " my aunt says kinda terrified.

" Who is she?"

"Your mother"

"My mom? But my parents died when I was ten. That's why I live here.. " I say looking at both of them." Right?"

"Jen, we never told you.. But you're adopted"

What? I'm adopted? First the video, then Marc and the baby.. And now I'm adopted.

What more could happen to me?

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