Chapter 4

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Jennifer’s POV

“Are you jealous? Is that the reason you told her?”  Harry asked not knowing, how jealous actually I am. How deeply in love with him, I am.

“N-no. Why should I be jealous of my cousin?” I giggled but deep inside I was crying rivers. I smiled and turned back to the dock. Gladly, he didn’t call my name again. I rushed and get out of there.

The moment when I got into my car I brust into tears. This is wrong. My feelings are wrong. I have Marc,  I don’t need Harry.  I love Marc, I do. Do I?

I looked at the mirror for back vision and wiped my tears and fixed my make up. I look like a mess. By this time my phone rang from my bag. Im not in the  mood to talk to anybody. I pulled it out and declined it. I throw the phone back to the passenger seat.

I started the engine and headed.. I don’t even know where. I was just driving and crying.  There were so many thoughts in my head. I could hear them, I decided to turn on the radio. I put the volume to max. Its lessened the pain.

I was driving and driving. Fortunately my fuel is full. With  the corner of my eye I noticed my phone is blinking again. “I DON’T WANT TO TALK TO ANYONE!” I screamed as it would stop the phone from ringing.

I picked it up from the seat and read the ID caller. ‘Harry’. Ugh he’s everywhere. I declined the call again and threw back the phone. For a moment I lose the control over the car. I looked at the road and there was coming big truck towards me.

I heard the sound of smacking and everything become black.

Harry’s POV

Jennifer acted really weird today. Is she jealous of Jill? Im really falling for Jill now I have to fix the things. She’s still mad at me.

But  now I am thinking about is Jennifer. She’s not answering my phone calls and the last two said her phone is off. She’s really jealous but I used to be jealous of Marc too. I didn’t want them to get married but I lost the bet and she did it. Now it’s all about the bet again. Oh, except the really feelings.

I was about to go to Jill’s house when my phone rang. Maybe it’s Jennifer.  I read the ID caller and It says mom. Mom?

“Yes mom?” “Harry, something bad happened, go to the hospital at 44th avenue. We’re coming.” She said almost crying. “Something with dad?” I asked a bit worried. “No, it’s your cousin”  My body froze. Jennifer! “Im on my way mom!” I said and hung up. I grabbed my jacket and keys and left the yacht .

Harry’s POV

It’s been an hour since I arrived at the hospital. My parents and Marc would come later. So it’s me here waiting for Jen to wake up. Her face is bruised and she has broken ribs. She needs stitches too. It’s a miracle that she survived.

“Harry..Harry..” she  mumbled weakly. She’s waking up. “Im here Jen” I said as I held her hand. It’s cold.  She moaned in pain and opened her eyes. “Why are you here? Arent you with Jill?” she asked coldly. “Shh. No Jill for now. What happened to you?” she sighed and held the thumb of my hand. She’s really weak.

“I don’t know.. you were calling me.. and I lost the control over the car.. Oww my head” Fuck! It’s my fault. “I- Im sorry for calling you and for bothering you. I shouldnt have done it. Im sorry Jen. It’s all my fault”  

She just removed her hand from mine and looked at the other side of the room. I feel bad for her. “Jen, I know you love me and you’re jealous. But always remember that I love you too kay? And I always will be your second husband. The better one.  You promised me that. Now Im promising it back to you”

She reminded silent  as I let her be. Soon Marc and mom arrived and they were entertaining Jen. I was sitting on the couch next to the door. I was staring at them. I had to go and meet Jill but something was holding me in this room. I didn’t want to leave Jennifer’s side even though her husband is here. Caressing softly her hand.

Jennifer’s POV

It was late in the evening  all I wanted is to see them leaving and take a rest. Im hurting and tired. “Anita, you and Harry can go home, I will stay the night” Marc said. “No, you both go. I will stay” Harry said and winked at me. I wont play your game Connick.

“It’s really okay. Marc can stay. He’s my husband” I hesitant no matter how much I wanted Harry to stay. “Come on Jen. I miss spending time with you, you can be with your husband when you go back at home”   he giggled as Marc stood up from my bed.

 “Be with him, honey”  Marc kissed my forehead and both with my aunt left. “I have your husband’s permission to be with you” Harry joked as I let out  a laughter.

He sat down by my bed and held my hand. “I love you cousin”

I love you too, more than like a cousin, Harry.. So much more.  

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