Chapter 7

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Jennifer's POV

I go to my office and grab my coat and purse. I'm sorry, I have to leave the lady in the meeting hall alone.

I still wonder who is she. I know her, I do. I can't think about this right now.  I'm worried about Harry.

I ride the elevator to the underground parking lot and walk straight to my new black audi. Since I got into the accident I have new car.

I unlock it and sit into the driver seat,  put the belt in and adjusted the back mirror. I look at my wrist clock and see that I have 20 minutes left. I hope I can make it.

Time to ride.

To be honest, I'm a bit scared to drive again but I have to.  I start the engine and leave the building.

I park the car on the parking lot and head to the dock. I can't walk fast with those heels so I take them off.

It's better now. I reach Harry's yacht and get in side.



I tried to shout but it came more likely whispering soaked of horror. What if she has done something to Harry and left?

No, don't think of that Jennifer. "J-Jill?" my voice is higher now. Thanks heaven.

"In the kitchen area. " I heard her voice. I know, Harry's yacht looks like a house. Well it's kinda true because he lives here.

When I get in the kitchen I was surprised to see her alone sitting on the counter and eating an apple. I widened my eyes. She looks so calm. " W-where is Harry?" I asked her, my voice cracking.

"I don't know " she shrugs her shoulders.

"What do you mean?"

"He left for a lunch with his father and forgot his phone "

Oh my god. I guess I looked like a total fool."Why are you here then? And why did you called me to come?"

"You scared the shit out of me. You are sick human being!"

I let out a sigh and turned on my heels,  ready to go. "I wanted to talk with you. And I know that's the only way I can get your attention"

"You are insane. To talk about what?"

"You and Harry.  And what do I get out of this whole thing"

This got me confused.  "what do you mean?"

"I will cut to the point. I know about you and Harry. Don't try to s disclaim it. "

What? Harry told her everything? But why? Is he fucking insane?

" How? " I whispered. My body is tensed.

" I won't lie to you. I have your sex video. If you don't obey me I'd send it to your husband. "

What? Marc? That's why she tried to connect him." please don't " I begged.

I can't lose him. I lost Harry, I can't lose Marc also.I'm Incapable living alone.

"I want-"  "Jill? I'm back" Harry interrupted her . Oh my God.

Jill froze. We can hear his footsteps. "Oh. Here you are.. Jennifer? What a nice surprise.  What are you doing here?"

I swallow hard and put a stain of my hair behind my ear. I'm nervous.

"I tried to call you but Jill answered and-" oh god, I'm a terrible liar. "And invited me here to wait for you. Yeah"  I tried to smile.

Suddenly my phone started ringing. Oh great.

"Excuse me. " I said and walked away. 

" Hi baby" it's Marc.

"Tonight?.. Yeah I'm free.. Okay see you later" I hung up and go back to Harry and Jill.

I'm going on a dinner with Marc. But I still don't know what does Jill want from me. I'm worried.

"I have to go now. I still have work at the office" Oh my god I forgot the intimidating woman in my office.

"I will walk you to the dock" Jill faked a smile and put her arm on my waist, guiding me to the entrance of the yatch.

"15 million dollars by tomorrow at 1pm or Im sending the video" she whispered as my whole body tensed up. 

What am I going to do? "Jill I- I.. It's a big amount of money.."

"You heard me.. "

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