Chapter 23

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Harry's POV

"I have to go. Bye to you two" Jen says as she sips of her coffee one last time and hugs me and Leah.

"Bye. Say hi to Ryan" Leah says back and winks.

"Who is Ryan?" I ask confused.

Jennifer already left so Leah is sitting on the hot chair. "He's a coworker of Jen and a friend."

I narrow my eyes. "Calm down. He's just a friend. God." Leah giggles and taps my shoulder. I really hope he's just a friend.

"It's my day off so I will stay around and clean. You can help me or get out and have fun" she adds. I hate cleaning but I don't know anything here.

"I'll help you but first.. While Jen is gone..Tell me about our baby" I shrug my shoulders.

Leah gives a close smile. "Liv? Come to Jennifer's room" she says and we go there.

"Sit." She commands and I obey. I sit on the bed and Leah takes some boxes from above the wardrobe.

"It's part of her toys and clothes. I wanted to throw them away or donate them but Jennifer insisted on keeping them. We got pictures too but they're on the laptop and we got some hung around the walls, if you have noticed, but I bet because all men are the same." she rolls her eyes. What the?

I open the boxes and start touching all the things and feel them. They smell of a baby. Most of the clothes are pink and cute. They're so small, like imagine a person fit inside. Damn I wanna hold my baby. It brings emotions inside and I can't just cry in front Leah.

"I'll leave you alone now." Leah whispers and leaves the room.

I was a father, I got a little baby girl but she's gone now. I feel Jennifer's pain. Everything is so soft, barely used.

I haven't met her but damn, I love her. I hug one of the stuffed toys and close my eyes, trying to imagine my life as a father. While she's still a baby we'd play together, I will tease her and she would laugh, I'd help Jennifer feeding her and changing her diaper. Finally when Jen is tired I'd put Liv to her crib and I'd sing to her.

When she grows up I'd drive her to school and I'd help her with the homework. As a teen she'd be on my nerves and she'd bring boys a home, I'd hate them all because no one is good enough for my princess. Finally when she found that one and I like him, I would walk her down the isle to her husband. I will be so proud of my daughter.

The night after her wedding ceremony Jennifer and I would go home, it will be quiet, we will pour red wine and get comfy on the couch and watch old pictures of our family and our little Liv.

When I open my eyes again and glance the clock it's already afternoon, damn I've fallen asleep. Jen'll be home shortly so it's better to tidy around. I put all the things in the boxes and put them up the wardrobe.

I get out of the room and Leah meets me in the hallway. "Hey. How you feeling?"

"I am.." I sigh. "I feel you. Don't worry, we all feel this way" she smiles to me and hugs me.

"Thank you for being there for Jen in that hard time" I say. "She's like a sister to me" Leah smiles.

I help her with the rest of the cleaning and wait for Jennifer to come home.

"Tell me more about you, Harry" Leah says.

We're leg crossed on the couch and drinking wine.

"I was born and raised in Miami, FL, Jen and I had kinda weird childhood, even though I don't remember how she appeared. I mean she came out to be adopted and I don't remember that. We challenged each other to do to stuff, then we hooked up a lot and everything was a big fat mess, but I love it because I was with her."

"She was married"

"I challenged her. But it didn't stop us doing our stuff until Jill.." I sigh.

"Who is Jill?"

"I almost married a girl, Jill was part of the staff for the ceremony and Jen dared me to mess with her, she was my girlfriend, I gave my laptop and there she found our sex tape" I say kinda embarrassed.

"It's funny, Jennifer never told me this, I had to know it from you" Leah giggles.


"We never talked about her past. She pleased me when we first met" Leah says. Oh..

Jennifer seems to be late and the bottle of wine is almost over, Leah and I talked so much and shared so much. She is so fun, I love being around her, she's like a girl best friend. I feel like a gay with her.

"Jennifer is lucky to reunite with you again. You take good care of her and love her more than anything." She smiles. "You have to get married" she adds.

"You think?"

"Of course. Look at you. Besides her birthday is coming, do something"

I smile, I know exactly what I'm gonna do.

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