Chapter 15

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Jennifer's POV

We sit in the restaurant nearby and order our food. Harry orders his favorite pasta.

He is sitting across me and stares at me. It's intimidating.

He holds my hand. I try to move it but he holds it tighter.

"Jen, look at me" he says softly as I reach his eyes and our gaze locks.

"I missed you" he whispers.

My tears start to build up but I fight them. Just don't blink!

"Jennifer, it's been three years. Why did you leave like this? What happened?"

I look at Leah and she nods. She still doesn't know anything about me.

"I was scared" I whisper.

"Scared of what Jen? I was there for you, we could get through everything"

"You don't understand. You're not the adopted one"

Harry let's out a sharp sigh and leans back on the chair.

"Jen, they love you and care about you. You're part of the family"

This melted my heart. I really missed Harry, Gran and his parents.

"If you're not busy do you mind coming to Miami? Gran really misses you"

I think for a solid moment. Am I ready to go back home?

"I don't know.. I-"

"Of course she doesn't mind. She's on a break of her work" Leah interrupted me.

"Great then." Harry smiles. He's happy.

I smile and continue eating my meal.

Harry's POV

Leah had to leave for work so Jen and I are left alone. She ain't really talkactive and that's disturbing me.

I wonder what happened to the baby.

"Why are you here in LA? " she asks me as we walk around the shops in the mall.

I can't lie to her. "Because of you" I smile.

"What? How you knew I was here?" her eyes widened. She is cute.

"I did not. Actually your friend Leah contacted me and told me to come here" I chuckled.

"So you met before? And this is some kind of a play today in the mall?"

"Yes. Yesterday we met and we talked."

"I can't believe it." Jennifer said kidna giggling, kinda rolling her eyes.

"It's getting, I have to go home already" she says.

Maybe the babysitter is about to leave and she has to go back to our kid.

"Do you want me to walk you home?" I say.

"It's okay. I know my way home" she giggles.

"But I want to walk with you" I pout. She giggles even more.

"I was thinking to get a cab but okay, we will walk"

Harry's POV

We reach her apartment and she unlocks it.

"Will you get inside?" she asks.

"Sure" I say and walk inside and sit on the couch

There's no hint of a living a kid in this apartment. Maybe she did an abortion. Of course she did it, where was mind thinking that she kept the baby.

"I'm sorry, it's kinda messy" she says.

"It's okay. The yacht is a mess too" I giggle.

"Beer?". I nod. She goes to the kitchen and after a while returns with two beers.

"When are you going back to Miami?" she asks me.

"Three days from now. You're coming with me, right?" I ask. I'm still unsure.
"Yeah.. I will. Don't worry".

In the few next hours we talk and watch TV. Soon I realize that I'm talking to myself because I hear Jen snoring. She's asleep.

I got my arm wrapped around her and my legs on each side of her. She looks comfy so I let her be.

I missed this. I missed her.

While I cuddle Jennifer and stare at her I hear the door open, I guess it's Leah.

She sees me and grins. I warn her to be quiet because Jennifer is asleep and she smiles wider.

"she looks so peaceful" Leah whispers.

"Thank you for coming Harry"

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