Chapter 2

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Harry's POV 

I wake up in my yacht. Jennifer is sleeping beside me and my head is pounding. 

Now I remember last night we had sex here. She's so beautiful when she's sleeping. I will let her sleep and go to buy breakfast. 

When I get in the car I remembered about the bet. I should see Jill. But how? Okay, I know her surname is 'Goodacre'. I will find her in facebook. 

I bought pretzels and headed back to the yacht. Jennifer was already awake, drinking coffee.

"Hey you" she said in seductively voice. Caressing her hair. 

"Missed me?" I sat next to her on the couch and handed her the pretzel. "Pretty much. I was disappointed when I didnt found you beside me when I woke up"

"Im sorry, I had to get you breakfast" I giggled and kissed her. 

"Im hungry for you.. not food" she said and wrapped her arms around me. God, this woman is fire. 

I kissed her harshly and unclasped her bra, revealing her breast. I buried my face and sucked them. Leaving purple hickeys. "Dont you dare to mark me. Marc would kill me" she said between the moans

"Why are you cheating then?" I teased her. "Shut up and please me"  she giggled. 

Jennifer's POV 

After hour and half later Harry and I were lying on the bed naked, catching our breaths. 

"Shit!" Harry cursed. "What's wrong?" 

"I didnt use a condom.. Jennifer look.. I am really sorry" 

"Shh. It's okay. Im on birth control. I dont want to get pregnant and have kid with Marc.." I giggle, assuring him it's alright.

"So you're having sex with someone else aside of me?" Harry joked. "He's my husband. I have to" 

My phone rang. Marc. 

"Yes honey?" I try to be sweet. "Hey babe. Im free now so I was wondering if you want to have lunch together?" 

I roll my eyes. "Yes, sure. We haven't done it for a while" 

"Great. I'll you pick you up after an hour. Where are you now?" Shit..Think Jennifer,think..

"Uh..At the mall" "Okay'll be there in an hour" I have one hour to go the mall and buy something

I hung up and turned to Harry. "I should go" 

"Where are you going?" he pouted. "Marc wants to have a lunch with me". He just laughed 

"Okay go. I will start work on the bet" he smirked. 

I pecked his lips and left. 

Harry's POV 

I found Jill in facebook. Gladly she accepted the friend request but we didnt chat. 

She updated her status that she is going to collage. I should follow her too. I guess. 

I go to her profile and see where she is studying. The collage is not away from here. 

I take a shower and headed to Jill's collage. Since I can't go inside I wait for her at the parking lot. 

Here she is coming holding her project. Damn, she's so beautiful. I take some pictures  with my phone.

The way her hair falls down on her shoulders and her smile and the way she walks. Oh God.. Wait! Am I falling for her? Oh no..

Jennifer's POV 

Marc is gone to Cali for work. I didnt want him to go but no choice. 

Anyway, i went to Harry's yacht. He's practically living there. I pour whine and sit on the couch, waiting for him.

Finally he arrives, holding two big paper bags with groceries. "Hey you.." I greet him.

"Oh hey Jen. You should get going" he grins. Huh?

"W-why? I though we would have a wild night because Marc is gone for work" I said confused. "Tonight I have a date here" she smiles

"What? Harry!" I roll my eyes. 

"Dont be jealous. It's the bet. Remember?" "Oh..Jill.."

"Yeah..Jill." he smiles again like a fool. "Are you falling for her?" I asked but I was afraid of the answer.

"Maybe..". Here it is. My heart is aching. 

"Okay. Record everything. I wanna be sure you're not cheating" I said and left immediately. 

I dont want my cousin to see me crying for him. But why am I crying? Why am I feeling this way? Why does my heart ache? Am I falling for him while he falls for someone else? 

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