Chapter 9

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Jennifer's POV

D- divorce? But why? Why does he want a divorce? Does he know about me and Harry? Jill said she won't tell him.

I stare blankly at him. My breathing is racing up.

"Jennifer, I can't believe it.. You and Harry. For how long?"

He knows, oh my god.  I can't help it but cry.  I let my tears roll down silently. I don't say a word.

"Jen,  I'm not mad. Just tell me.. I wanna know. I don't want reasons. Just tell me for how long" his voice cracks and ends in a whisper. He is hurt. 

"Since our teenage years " I whisper crying. He let out a sigh and rest on the chair.

"I hope you're happy for now on" he said and stood up.  I watched his back until he walked out of the restaurant.

I am here left alone. I have never been alone. What would I do now? How would I handle this? I'm having a baby now.

Jill. How dare she to send the video to Marc. We had a deal. Stupid bitch.

I wipe my tears and drink the rest of my water. "the bill, please" I said to the passing by waiter.

"Oh, the mister paid it, ma'am" he smiled and continued a walking.

Harry's POV

I drived Jill to her apartment and headed home.

Right before I pull out on the dock I hear a phone ringing but it's not my ring tone. 

I look around and find Jill's phone blinking. I read the ID caller. Jennifer. Huh? Jen? Are they friends or what?

I answer the call. It's my cousin at the end of the day.

"How dare you? Why did you tell him? I'd give you the money! I trusted you! We had deal. Fuck it Jill"

I let her say everything.  She sounds really mad. I got curious now.

"Jen? It's me Harry. What's going on?"

She is silent for a moment.  "Ha-Harry?. I.. Uh..Can I speak to Jill?" she sounds calmer now.

"She is not here. She forgot her phone. But what's going on? What money and what deal?"

"That's fine. Forget about it"

"Jen. I can't, you sound really upset. I will come by you okay?"

"I won't be at home. Come at your parents" she said and hung up.

What the hell? Maybe I should talk to Jill first. I dial her home phone several times but she seems to be deaf.  I have no more time for wasting, I put back my seat belt and head to my parents' house.

Jennifer's POV

I go in my old room. Everything is untouched. My bed, my posters, my desk and books.  Everything is as it used to be before.

My aunt doesn't know I am here. Tomorrow maybe I'd go to take my stuff from my apartment. Marc's apartment. Now I have only the doll this lady gave me.

I lay on the bed and curl in a ball, cuddling the doll. I can't help but cry, I want to let out everything. 

After some minutes I hear knocks. Maybe it's Marc. Maybe he is here to take me home. 

"Yes?" I was in a whisper. The door opens up and I see Harry holding pizza box and chocolates. 

"This comforts you" he smiled and I couldn't help but giggle. I wiped my tears and pat the bed, letting Harry to sit next to me.

"what's the matter lil Jenny?"

I looked at my hands in my lap and let out a sigh. "Marc and I split earlier" 

"Don't bullshit me Jennifer. I know it's something about Jill. What's your deal and the money?" he asked concerned

Should I tell him? I don't want to ruin their relationship, if I can't be with my cousin at least I want to see him happy.  And I think he is happy with Jill.

"I don't know how to tell you but Jill had our sex video. One of the many. She blackmailed me Harry. She wanted big amount of money by tomorrow lunch time or she would send it to Marc. Then I guess she sent it to him because Marc knew about us and said he wants to divorce"

I looked at Harry and I could see the flames in his eyes.  He stays still and quiet but he is mad.  At Marc? Or at Jill? But he loves Jill..

"Har? There's something else too.. " I whisper softly.

" What is it Jennifer?"

"I'm pregnant Harry.. "

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