Chapter 24

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A. N.: Whop whop, look who is back at it with the fanfictions.

Harry's POV

Next Friday Leah is at home again and Jennifer gotta work. We use the time alone to go around and look for a ring, I'm totally proposing her.

"Look at this one," Leah points at a ring, it's beautiful but it's not Jennifer's style. I know what kind of jewelry she used to wear.

"Ah, I don't know, let me look a little bit more"

A few moments passed and Leah screamed my name. Jesus, this woman. I look at her and she looks very excited, I walk to her and look at the ring she liked this time.

"Seems like your fiancée chose a ring" the young clerk smiled.

Leah and I looked at each other confused and then it hit us. "Oh no, no, no, we are.. We aren't engaged. It's for my friend" Leah says.

The clerk smiles awkwardly, visibly embarrassed and showed us the ring Leah liked.

"What do you think Harry? Jennifer will love it." Leah squeals.

I hold the ring in my thumb and index finger and inspect it carefully. "She really will", I approve. "We will take it." I say to the clerk and buy the ring.

We walk out of the store and head to the crowded main street of LA. "How about a lunch at the end of the street? I know a cute restaurant where the meals are heavenly delicious." Leah says.

"Okay. Lead the way." I smile and we go there. Over lunch we discuss about the birthday party and how I'm gonna propose to Jennifer.

Jennifer's POV

So it's my birthday today and I know Leah and Harry have planned something big since the way they are always gushing and spend big amount of time together. I don't mind, I just wonder what they have planned.

"After breakfast do you go some girly shopping, Jen?" Leah asks me.

"You just want to get me out of the house don't you?" I ask suspicious.

"Yes. That's our plan. So Harry can put big ass 'happy birthday Jennifer' labels and some balloons." Leah smirks and Harry is reading the newspaper.

"No, no. You're too old for that, maybe the boys and I will drink beer and watch the match while you're out" Harry says not even looking at me.

"Old huh? I'm not old Harry. And boys? You don't know anyone here except for me and Leah. Come on, I want balloons" I tease.

"Okay, maybe a little bit of balloons." Harry smiles and I roll my eyes.

After breakfast Leah and I get ready and leave for the mall. She insists onme to buy a dress. "Why dress, Leah? I have dresses."

"For tonight. You need a new one. Like a new start. Get it?"

"No I don't. Please explain"

"Don't you read Cosmopolitan? On every birthday you have to buy a new dress. Like a new start for your new year."

"This is stupid. But okay, let's get a dress."

I get one cocktail red dress and show it to her. "What do you think?". Leah shakes her head. "Try in black." I look thought the rack of dresses and find a black dress, similar to the red one. "No, it's too dark. Your future would be bright." she says.

"What? Since when do you predict the future?"

"Again, Cosmopolitan. Try something in warmer color."

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