Chapter 22

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A.N. If you haven't checked my new ffic 'Poison' yet, better do it because you know.. I've got some hopes for it. Hehe.

- Den, xx.

Jennifer's POV

We get in the plane and the whole ride we talk about his moving. "Are you gonna live with me and Leah?" I ask, Im not sure how Leah will react because it's her apartment and it will be rude my boyfriend to live with us.

"No silly, I bought the apartment next to yours, you still will be with Leah whenever you want" Harry smiles.

This amazing, oh my God. "If I wasn't tied with the seatbelt I would hug you right now Harry!" I say loadly and happy, I make the people on the plane turn their heads our direction.

"This man right here is moving all the way from Miami to LA because of me!" I say to them and smile, they nod and smile awkwardly as Harry feels uncomfortable.

Finally we land and get out of the plane, we wait for our luggage and head to the exit.

"Leah should be somewhere here." I say as I try to look for her.

"There she is." Harry says since he is taller than me. We walk her direction and when we reach her I hug her, God I missed her.

"Harry? What a surprise." she says sarcastically.

"Hi Lee, long time no see" Harry winks at her. God, they always tease each other.

"Leah, Harry is moving here in LA!" I say happier than ever.

"What? This is amazing. Are you staying with us? Finally someone interesting to live with" Leah teases me.

"Unfortunately no, I bought the apartment next door"

"And we're gonna be neighbors? Oh like 'Friends' you're Chandler and Jen is Monica because eventually you'll get married". This is dumb as fuck but we laugh.

"Or I'll be Monica and Jen will be Chandler because Chandler lives with Joey and he's an actor just like you" Harry giggles.

"You're genuis!" Leah says amazed.

"Enough bullshit! Lets get in the car, Im starving" I pout and Harry gets the suitsacks and put them in the tank and some of them on the back seat.

We get home and Leah and I prepare some fast brunch, while Harry is at his apartment, just looking at it. The previous owners have one month to pack and leave, by this time Harry will live with us.

"How was in Miami?" Leah asks as she's slicing some tomatoes.

"It was fine, good, my grandma and aunt were so happy to see me, I was happy to see them" I smile.

"What about Harry? What happened that he's moving here. You guys together?"

I bite my lip and nod. "The day I arrived after dinner we were alone in the garden, we talked about it and then we had sex.."

"You slut!" Leah screams silently.

"I don't know how it happened. But I was supposed to sleep with him because my room wasn't available, anyway"

"Why? They give it for rent?" Leah makes her facional expression that only she can make.

"Nope, friend of my aunt and her grandchild were there"

"Oh okay. Anyway no sex here! If you wanna bang do it the other apartment or at a hotel! Not on my furnitures! Got it?"

"Whoa okay. What happened with the that guy?" I ask, enough for me and Harry.

"Er nothing. He's too..I don't know.. jerk"

Soon Harry arrives and we all eat.

"How's the apartment?" I ask.

"It's good, I like it. It's two storey too, just like here"

"I got an idea! Oh my God!" Leah puts down her fork from excitement.

"What the hell Leah? Act normal" I give her a look.

"Let's remove this wall, we will have a big ass apartment"

"The wall that separates the apartments?" Harry asks.

"Yes. What do you think? You will live together and I will live here, like a big family"

"Or like a third wheel" I shoot her with a glance.

"I like the idea. You both will be together and we'll have more space." Harry says.

"Okay whatever. You guys own the apartments " I smile and continue eating.

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