19. Missing You

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Camila sighed, looking down at her laptop while trying to finish one of the many assignments she had for her classes. It was like all of her professors had chosen the same week to ask for something important, so now she was drowning herself in books and notes, trying not to have a mental breakdown. She rests her head against the library table and closes her eyes, taking a break for a few seconds when she feels her phone vibrating on her pocket. She immediately smiles when she sees a text from Shawn asking if she’s busy later. Unfortunately, she does have to finish what she’s doing and he sends her a sad face when she tells him she can’t come over tonight.

 Before it gets dark outside, Camila makes her way out of the library’s building to walk back to her dorm because she still doesn't feel safe walking by herself at night in such a big city. When she steps outside, her eyes land in a tall figure with messy curls holding two cups of coffee in his hands. Shawn smiles as he walks to her, handing her one of the coffees.

 “ Hi there, Miss Library." He says, making her laugh because she had ditched him a few times this week to study. “ Since I can't get you to find time for me, I’ll just have to stalk you during your breaks.”

 “ Is that so?” Camila asks with a laugh before taking a sip from her coffee. “ If I didn’t know you any better, I would think you actually miss me.”

 “ Oh, I can show you how much I don’t miss you.” Shawn says before grabbing her face and kissing her in the middle of the crowded sidewalk.

  “ Yeah, I can see. You don’t miss me at all.” Camila laughs and kisses his lips again before they start walking in the direction of her dorm.

 They had barely seen each other all week and Camila was trying not to brag about the fact that he seemed to really miss her. She missed seeing him too, but with all the studying she had to do, it became kind of hard to find time for him. She had way less rehearsals for the musical with him at this point, since they had been working on the script part this week instead of the songs.

 Shawn held her hand the whole way back to her dorm, kissing her countless times before finally letting her walk inside the building. When she walked into her room, she had the biggest smile on her face and Hailee, who was seated on her bed studying, looked up at her in suspicion.

 “ Did Shawn walk you here?” Hailee asks.

 “ What makes you think that?” Camila tries not to sound guilty. 

 She actually doesn’t mind telling Hailee what was happening between her and Shawn, but it was kind of fun to keep everyone guessing. Of course if she would be honest with herself, she wasn't sure what it was either. They hadn’t talked about it, but she liked the way things were. She didn’t feel like questioning anything for now.

 “ You look really happy.” Her friend points out.

 “ I am.” Camila says.

 “ I like seeing you like this.” That’s the last thing Hailee says before going back to her studies. She clearly didn’t want to push for a better answer, so Camila decided to leave it like that.


 Shawn watched as Camila walked into the building, not understanding all these things he was feeling. Not being able to see her everyday this week was harder than he thought it would be. To a point where he would try to see her any time she had free time, even if it was just to walk her to her dorm. He missed having her around him and that was a new feeling to him. It annoyed him at first, but just seeing her face was enough to make him forget whatever it was that was annoying him in the first place.

 “ Shawn, what are you doing here?” He hears Charli’s voice, turning around and seeing his cousin and Taylor walking to him.

 “ Hey.” He says, scratching the back of his neck. “ I was just walking Camila back here.”

 “ Any development on the case since that kiss at the party?” Taylor goes straight to the point, smirking at him.

 “ You never give up, do you?” He rolls his eyes and starts walking as the two girls follow him.

 “ I know you two are up to something.” The blonde says. “ I’m just not sure exactly what.”

 Something about the way she was speaking told Shawn she actually had a pretty good idea what it was, but she was waiting for either him or Camila to tell her something. He loves Taylor, she’s a great friend, but he knows the second he tells her anything, he’ll never get peace again. She’ll want to know every detail and will scold him in case he does anything she thinks is wrong. He likes to have this thing just for the two of them. He wasn’t sure what exactly this thing was, but he was trying not to think about it too much.


A/N: This was a short chapter, so I might update again tonight since I didn't update at all yesterday... 🙊

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