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Five years later

 Camila looks down at her phone, checking the time and wondering where Shawn is. Their flight will be leaving soon and he was supposed to be there already, but here she was all alone in the crowded airport. Her eyes wander through the people seated near her and the ones passing by, her mind going back to the night before. The theater had been crowded at the last show and she almost couldn’t believe she had just finished her first Broadway musical. She had learned so much in the last ten months and it had definitely been one of the most memorable moments of her life.

 “ Hi, honey.” Shawn’s voice got her out of her memories as he took the seat next to her and kissed her lips. “ Sorry, I’m late.”

 “ What happened?” Camila asked, reaching for his hair and fixing his long curls that were going wild.

 “ Just some last-minute things at the label, but I left Taylor dealing with it.” He explained.

 Camila nodded her head and smiled, taking his hand in hers and feeling proud of her boyfriend. Shawn had taken over his father’s recording label a few years back after graduating from college, he still wrote music whenever he had the time, it was the one thing that still made him feel like himself, but he had decided he wanted to use the label to help artists. He had changed a lot of things in the company ever since, running things differently from how his father had done in the past. His focus was solely on the artists and no longer the financial aspect of it, which if he was being honest, earned him just as much. Taylor had been working with him since the beginning, she was the one to help him get closer to the artists and he trusted her completely.

 As for their other friends, Charli also worked on the label with them, while Hailee had moved to LA to finish her post-graduation. Unfortunately, Hailee and Niall had broken up a few years back, and he was currently still in New York running his parent’s restaurant. Joe and Taylor on the other hand were still very much together, but he was away for a few months shooting an independent movie in London. Every single one of them had followed their own path, but they still found their way to catch up now and then.

 Their flight back to Camila’s hometown is not a long one, but she falls asleep against Shawn’s shoulder either way. They’re just staying a few days because Shawn can’t leave the label for longer than that, but he still insisted she needed to see her family now that she was finally on a break from the show. Her grandfather was the one to pick them up and Camila loved how he treated Shawn like his own grandchild now, kind of a contrast compared to how their relationship had started. Her grandmother still loved Shawn just the same and of course, she hugged him even before hugging Camila when they got to the house.

 “ Every time I see you, you look taller!” Her grandma said, looking at Shawn and making Camila laugh before stealing a hug from the older woman.

 “ You say that every time you see me, grandma.” Shawn says, carrying their suitcases inside and making Camila melt for the hundredth time since he started referring to them as his own grandparents. They were his family now too and she knew he needed that, people who cared about him as if he was their own child.

 “ Your dad is coming for dinner.” Her grandpa informed her as they walked inside the house.

 “ Oh, that’s great! I haven’t seen him in a while.” Camila says excitedly.

 She had met her father again years ago after reading his letters and their relationship had grown over the years. She was just happy to see how he had changed and how willing he seemed to make things work with her.

 A few hours later her father was there and Shawn helped him and her grandfather with the barbecue out in the backyard while she assisted her grandma in the kitchen. They had all insisted to celebrate that she had just finished her first, and hopefully not last, Broadway show. Camila smiled and held Shawn’s hand the whole night as they all ate and talked outside, just enjoying her family’s company.

 At some it was just Camila and Shawn out in the backyard, holding each other as they stood up looking up at the stars shining above them. She could never really explain why, but being with him in her hometown was always special. He kept placing kisses on her hair and Camila rolled her eyes when she noticed her grandma watching them from the kitchen's window.

 “ She’s watching us again.” Camila let out a small laugh.

 “ She likes seeing you happy.” Shawn said, moving his lips to meet hers in a quick kiss. “ And so do I.”

 “ Well, then you’re in luck.” She whispered as he rested his forehead against hers. “ Because you always make me happy.”

 “ I think you’re about to feel even happier.” He said with a smirk.

 “ Shawn, we’re not having sex with my grandparents down the hallway.” Camila protested making him laugh.

 “ You have a very dirty mind, Camilita.” He kisses her again. “ That’s not what I meant.”

 “ Then what-” Camila stops mid-sentence when Shawn suddenly gets down on one knee, a tiny velvet box in his hands. He opens it, revealing a small delicate diamond ring, and leaving her speechless.

 “ Camila, I know we haven’t really talked about this, but-”

 “ Yes!” She immediately says, not giving him the chance to even start the speech he had prepared.

 Camila gets down on her knees as well, hugging him and kissing his lips while she starts feeling the tears on her face. Shawn laughs against her lips because of how eager she seemed, finishing his short speech in a whisper against her ear before sliding the ring on her finger. When they finally stood up, Camila noticed both her grandparents and her father smiling at them from the glass doors that lead to the kitchen. It was pretty obvious they already knew about Shawn’s plans to propose.

 Looking back at her now fiance, Camila has a hard time comprehending how she got so lucky to have him in her life. She had never been one to believe in fate, but that was the only explanation she could find for the love they shared. He had been her first love, but there was no doubt in her mind that he would also be her last. In a room crowded with strangers, he would always be the only one she could see.



A/N: This was the longest story I've ever written and I loved every second of it, but I just felt like there was nothing more for me to tell here. Thank you so much for all the love on this story and I hope you like this ending! 🥰🥰💖

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