31. Confessions

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Camila rests her head against the wall of the elevator as she waits for it to reach the thirteenth floor. She steps out of it with her small suitcase in hands and reaches for her keys, opening the door to her dorm and closing it behind her before walking into the bedroom she shares with Hailee. The second she steps in, she spots Shawn sitting at her bed with his guitar and his phone like he’s waiting for her.

 “ Shawn? What are you doing here?” She asks as he looks up at her, his face lighting up the second he lays eyes on her.

 “ Hey, babe. I was waiting for you. Hailee let me in.” Camila’s heart skips a beat and she smiles at the pet name. He stands up and places a long kiss on her lips before hugging her tight. “ I missed you.”

 “ It was just three days.” Camila giggles, even if she had missed him just as much.

 “ I know, but I still missed you.” He whispered, walking backwards and bringing her with him to her bed. 

 “ I missed you too.” She says, sitting down on his lap and kissing his lips again.

 “ Why didn’t you tell me what was in your head?” He asks, taking her by surprise.

 “ What do you mean?” She says, looking away.

 “ I knew something was off, Camila.” He says, placing a hand on her face and making her look at him. “ You should have told me.”

 Camila feels one tear rolling down her face and he immediately wipes it away. She stays in silence, not really knowing how to start this conversation.

 “ I love you, Shawn.” Camila whispers, feeling more tears on her eyes. “ I’m in love with you. I can’t stop thinking that maybe you don’t feel the same and that’s why you never asked me to be your girlfriend.”

 “ You completely ruined what I had planned, but that’s okay.” Shawn chuckled, wiping her tears. “ I didn’t ask it because in my head you already were my girlfriend. I’m sorry if I suck in this relationship thing, but I never had a girlfriend before. I’m probably going to fuck up a lot more just so you know, but please, believe me when I tell you that I’m completely in love with you.”

 Camila can’t control the sobs coming out of her because that’s all she’s been wanting to hear for a long time now. She buries her face on the crook of his neck and he holds her tightly as she lets out of the emotions that were consuming her for the last three days. When she has finally calmed down, she kisses him like never has before, putting everything she feels in that kiss.

 “ As much as I would love to just keep kissing you like this, I want to show you something first.” Shawn whispers against her lips, making Camila pull away and look into his eyes. “ I finished that song you wanted to hear. Can I show you?”

 Camila smiles and nods her head, getting off his lap and sitting next to him as he takes his guitar and starts moving his fingers over the chords. This is different for her, she’s more used to seeing him at the piano, but he plays it just as perfectly with the guitar. His eyes are locked on hers and the second she hears his voice, she completely melts under his stare.

"Settle down with me
Cover me up
Cuddle me in
Lie down with me, yeah
And hold me in your arms

And your heart's against my chest
Your lips pressed to my neck
I'm falling for your eyes
But they don't know me yet
And with a feeling I'll forget
I'm in love now

Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
Falling in love..."

 She feels like a mess as she assimilates the words he wrote, trying not to cry again, but failing miserably. He doesn’t look away from her for even a second as his voice fills the room and she can’t help smiling at his angelic voice, powerful lyrics and gorgeous face.

"Settle down with me
And I'll be your safety
You'll be my lady
I was made to keep your body warm
But I'm cold as the wind blows so hold me in your arms

My heart's against your chest
Your lips pressed to my neck
I'm falling for your eyes
But they don't know me yet
And with this feeling I'll forget
I'm in love now

Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
Falling in love."

 She doesn’t even give him time to put his guitar down when he finishes, climbing on top of him and attacking his lips as he laughs and tries to take the guitar from between their bodies. He finally succeeds and grabs her face with his hands, kissing her back like she’s the most important thing in the world.

 “ Do you like it?” He whispers when they separate for air.

 “ I love it, Shawn. It’s beautiful.”

 “ It’s about you.” He jokes, making her laugh.

 “ Yeah, it better be.” She slaps his shoulder before kissing him again.

 “ There’s something else.” He says, reaching his hand inside the pocket of his jeans and taking a delicate golden necklace out of it. “ I want you to have this. It belonged to my mom.”

 “ Shawn!” Camila gasps, looking at the necklace in his hand. “ I can’t-”

 “ Please?” Shawn insists and she nods her head after a moment of silence. He helps her put it around her neck and Camila touches it, admiring the little heart pendant. “ Camila Cabello, will you please allow me to be your boyfriend?”

 Camila giggles and nods her head before hugging him.

 “ Maybe you were right. You were already my boyfriend.” She whispers against his shoulder. “ I should’ve known it. I’m sorry I got so upset about a stupid label.”

 “ It might be a little stupid.” Shawn lifts her head and kisses her cheek. “ But you deserve it if that’s what you want. You deserve everything, Camilita.”


A/N: I know this is the most cliche song to choose, but I thought it would be perfect for the chapter 🤷‍♀️

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