29. Crying For You

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Camila felt her grandmother’s arms around her after her grandfather had picked her up from the airport and brought her home. She was tired and her mind was still not done overthinking things with Shawn, so when she was in her grandma’s arms, tears started to leave her eyes without her permission.

 “ I missed you guys so much.” Camila said, wiping her tears as her grandpa joined the hug. It was true, she did miss them like crazy, but her tears weren’t at all about that.

 They had so many questions and things to tell her, even if they spoke on the phone everyday. It was the weirdest feeling because she missed them, but she realized she didn’t miss the town at all. She walked into her bedroom and sighed at the view, it had only been three months, but it felt like a lifetime for her. She had done so many things and met so many people, but her room was still there just as she had left it. It was like it was stuck in time, she felt like she became a different person, but that room reminded her that maybe she was still that same small town girl with big dreams.

 Camila lied down and tried to sleep for a bit, waking up later to help her grandma prepare Thanksgiving dinner. They would be hosting a dinner for a few family friends like they always did and as she chopped vegetables, her phone started ringing from where it was on the kitchen counter. She washed her hands and looked at the screen, smiling when she saw that it was Shawn. They had texted after she landed and he had promised to call her later, so she picked up the call and walked to the backyard so her grandma wouldn’t listen.

 “ Hey.” She whispered, looking up at the sky and hoping he wouldn’t catch any of the overthinking she’s been doing on her voice.

 “ Hey, Camilita.” His voice made it obvious that he was smiling and she felt happier just by hearing what had become his usual nickname for her in the past month.

 They talked for a little bit, but she had to keep it short because she had to go back and help her grandma, who she was also sure was trying to listen to their conversation at that very moment.

 “ I miss you already.” She finally said, turning around and finding her grandma watching her from the open door.

 “ I miss you too.” Shawn’s voice made her smile before she ended the call and walked back into the kitchen.

 Her grandma kept looking at her as she went back to chop vegetables, like she was expecting her to say something. Camila hadn’t told her grandparents about Shawn, not because she felt like hiding the information, but because they never even talked about dating, so she wasn’t sure how to approach the subject.

 “ Was that a boy?” Her grandma asked and Camila felt her cheeks immediately blush.

 “ Yes.” She answered quietly.

 “ And you said you miss him?” The older woman was clearly not trying to hide the fact that she had heard part of their conversation. Camila nodded her head shyly and watched her grandma smile almost proudly. “ Why didn’t you tell us you have a boyfriend?”

 Camila wanted to correct her, but she wasn’t about to tell her grandma she was having sex with a boy who wasn’t her boyfriend yet. Yes, yet. Deep down she still had hopes Shawn was going to ask her to be his girlfriend, even if she wished he asked a long time ago.

 “ I didn’t know how to tell you.” Camila said shyly just as her grandpa walked in the room.

 “ Tell us what?” He asked, assuming he was being included in the conversation. 

 “ Nothing, I just-” Camila was about to make an excuse when her grandma interrupted her.

 “ Camila has a boyfriend.” Her grandma said excitedly and Camila just wanted a place to hide when she saw her grandfather’s expression.

 “ You have a boyfriend?” He asked almost in disbelief, like he was trying to understand the fact that she was not a child anymore.

 “ What’s his name? How did you two meet? Is he in your classes?” Her grandma started attacking her with millions of questions and Camila almost thought it was cute her excitement, even if she felt kind of embarrassed because her grandpa was clearly uncomfortable with the subject.

 “ Shawn is not in my classes. He’s a third year student and he's a music major.” Camila explained with rose cheeks as her grandma seemed to cheer at every information she got. Her grandpa left the room when she started talking about Shawn and she wasn’t sure if he just thought that was girl’s talk or if he was upset that she had a “boyfriend”.

 Later that night, her grandma made sure to tell this information to every single one of her friends during dinner and Camila thought it was funny how much she already adored Shawn without even meeting him. After dinner was over, a few of their friends stayed as they talked in the living room, so Camila walked back to her bedroom to check her phone that her grandpa wouldn’t let her do at the table. She knew her grandma was going to go upstairs looking for her at any second, so she locked herself in her bathroom and texted back Hailee and Taylor. She also had a text from Shawn asking if he could call her. He was having dinner with his father and his boring friends, so he was trying to find any excuse to step out of the restaurant.

 She started at his text, but couldn’t reply right away, her mind going back to her grandma referring to him as her boyfriend. She knew it was stupid and she should just ask him about it, but she was still a little scared of doing it. She tried to fight the tears, but it didn’t take long for her to start sobbing.

 “ Camila, are you crying? What happened?” It was her grandma on the door and Camila didn’t want to have to explain to her the silly reason for her tears. “ Let me in, darling.”

 Camila stood up from where she was sitting at the edge of the tub and opened the door while trying to wipe her tears, but she was failing and her grandma pulled her in a tight hug. The older woman guided her back into the bedroom and made her sit down at the bed, holding her as she ran out of tears and insisting Camila tell her what happened.

 “ He’s not my boyfriend.” Camila chokes out between tears.

 “ You lied just to please me? Oh, honey that’s okay. I’m not mad.”

 “ No, I didn’t lie.” Camila explains. “ Shawn and I are together, but he hasn’t asked me to be his girlfriend.”

 “ Then he must be an idiot because you’re the most beautiful and kind girl I know. Which boy wouldn't want to have you as his girlfriend?”

 “ I’m in love with him, grandma.” Camila says the words out loud before she can stop herself, but she knows it’s true. She loves him and what hurts more is that she knows he feels it too, so why wouldn’t he just make that simple question she wanted to hear so much?

 “ Sometimes, honey, boys take a longer time to realize what’s right in front of them.” Her grandma says, running her fingers through Camila’s hair. “ We’re just smarter than them.”

 Camila laughs and wipes the rest of her tears just as her phone starts ringing. It was Shawn and her grandma smiled at her as they both looked at his name on the screen, then left her alone to take the call.

 “ Hi.” She whispers, hoping he won’t notice she was just crying.

 “ Hey, are you crying?” He instantly asked and she both loved and hated how well he knew her and could read her just with a simple hello.

 “ No.” She lied.

 “ Are you sure about that?”

 “ Okay, I was crying.” She confesses quietly.

 “ Why? Are you okay?” He asked with concern and she felt her heart ache because of how much she felt for him. He was always trying to make sure she felt safe, even when they were miles apart.

 “ Yes, it’s just hard to be here and remember my mom I guess.” She half lied, because even though that was true, that wasn’t the reason for her tears.

 He talked to her for half an hour before he had to go back to the dinner he was having with his dad and Camila felt lighter after hearing his voice. She was still overthinking everything, but talking to him had made those thoughts go away for a bit.

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