34. Come With Me

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Shawn walked out of the elevator and made his way to Camila’s dorm, being lucky to find Hailee at the door, who let him in before she left. He knocked lightly on her bedroom door before walking in and finding her sitting by her desk, reading what looked like a script in her hands. She didn’t even look up, so he leaned down and kissed her cheek before stealing several kisses from her lips and making her laugh.

 “ Shawn!” Camila complained when he wouldn’t stop. “ I need to finish this. The audition is tomorrow.”

 “ Sorry, babe.” He laughed with her before kissing her one more time and laying down on her bed.

 He knew she was hyper focused because she had only decided to audition for this play early the night before, so he got his phone and tried to distract himself until she was done. It was quite the impossible task though, he found himself staring at her every five seconds. She had her hair up in a messy bun, her glasses on and a pen in her mouth while she concentrated on what she was reading. She had one of his old t-shirts on and a pair of shorts so small that it was hard for him to keep his eyes off her legs.

 “ You’re staring at my legs.” Camila giggled, making him look at her face as she removed her glasses, put the script down and stood up.

 “ They’re really hard not to stare at.” He smirked as she walked to him and threw herself on the bed on top of him.

 “ Well, I’m all yours now.” She smiled, straddling his body and sitting on his stomach. Her hands reached to get a curl off his face and he sighed when he felt her fingers running through his hair.

 “ Are you sure? I can help you with your lines if you need it.” He said, resting his hands on her thighs.

 “ No, it’s fine. I’m ready for the audition.” She said with confidence. “ There are not as many lines or songs as before.”

 “ Are you sure you don’t want to try for Carrie? I think you would get the part for sure.” Shawn had been the one to insist she auditioned for the musical production they were doing of Carrie and she seemed excited about it. He wasn’t working on this one, so she wouldn’t be rehearsing with him in case she got the part. What surprised him though, was the fact that she wanted a secondary part this time.

 “ No, I don’t think I would have that much time for the leading role again. And you have too much faith in me.” She laughed. “ Besides that, I never played a villain before. I think it will be a great experience if I get the part.”

 Shawn nodded with a smile before interlocking their fingers and kissing the back of her hand. Camila leaned down and placed a lingering kiss on his lips, letting her hand run through his hair again as Shawn deepened the kiss. He let one of his hands move under the large t-shirt she was wearing and touched her back and stomach, a moan escaping her as their tongues met.

 “ Shit! Sorry, don’t mind me. I just forgot something.” Hailee’s voice and the door bursting open pulled them apart and Shawn laughed as Camila’s cheek turned red. In a few seconds Hailee was already out of the room after taking her wallet from one of her hundreds of purses, so both Shawn and Camila started laughing before she lied down next to him.

 “ Christmas is coming.” Camila said quietly after a while, her hand running up and down his chest as his fingers played with her hair. He knew exactly what she meant by that: winter break would start in a week and they would be apart.

 “ I hate Christmas.” Shawn confessed.

 “ Why?” Camila sat up on the mattress and looked at him with questioning eyes.

 “ This year mainly because I won’t be able to see you.” She smiled at his words. “ But I guess Christmas always reminds me of my mom. She loved it and would always make a big deal out of it, but after she died I don’t think I ever had a real Christmas again. My dad doesn’t really care about it, so he started sending me to my aunt’s house, Charli’s mom, when I was still too young, but I guess it never really felt the same without my mom. Charli always tries to make me go to her parent’s house, but I haven’t been there for the holidays in a few years.”

 Shawn has his eyes closed after telling Camila this, but he can feel her staring at him before her hands touch his face. She stays in silence for a long time, just comforting him with her touch before she speaks very clearly for him to hear.

 “ You should come home with me.” Shawn immediately opens his eyes and looks at her in surprise. “ I mean, if you want to.”

 “ I don’t know.” He whispers. “ What if you grandparents think that’s too much?”

 “ No, they wouldn’t mind at all.” She smiles at him. “ My grandma would be so happy to finally meet you, and I would be so happy to have you there. I won’t be able to have a nice Christmas knowing you’re here by yourself. Please, come with me?”

 Shawn takes a deep breath before nodding his head, finding it impossible to say no to her. Her face lights up and he watches as she immediately takes her phone and calls her grandma to tell her the news. She just looks so happy that he can’t help feeling the same way, besides he would have all he wanted for Christmas: her.


A/N: I'm back! Sorry for the lack of updates, but I was feeling really sick these past few days 😖🤒💔

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