47. Letters

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The faint sound of acoustic guitar chords being played comes to Camila’s ears, becoming louder as she feels herself finally waking up. When she opens her eyes, she can see Shawn sitting by the edge of the bed with his guitar, his hair a mess, and his shirtless back facing her. He didn’t notice she had woken up, so Camila just stays quiet as she listens to him quietly sing the same lyrics three times, obviously trying not to disturb her sleep.

"I can't imagine what a world would be
I can't imagine what a world would be
I can't imagine what a world would be..."

 She smiles to herself as his voice melts her away, watching him and just enjoying this little private show before he notices she’s awake.

 "Without you
All the birds would stop their songs
Without you
All the things right would feel so wrong"

 Those are the last words she hears him sing before he turns his head in her direction and laughs shyly, his cheeks going red as he realizes she’s been hearing him all along.

 “ Why did you stop?” Camila protests with a giggle. “ I wanted to hear the rest.”

 “ It’s not finished yet.” He smiles at her, putting his guitar down before climbing on the bed and hovering over her body. He holds her waist with one of his hands and leans down, kissing her lips.

 “ Is it about me?” She asks teasingly, running a hand through his hair.

 “ Who else would it be about?” He whispers against her lips, kissing her with more intent this time as his hand moves down to sneak underneath the only piece of clothing she had on.

 Camila gasps as she feels his lips on her neck, then hears Shawn groaning in disappointment when her phone starts ringing from the nightstand. Camila laughs and kisses his shoulder before untangling herself from him, standing up, and disconnecting her phone from the charger.

 “ Good morning, grandma.” Camila says, picking up the call and going to Shawn’s closet to find some of her own clothes she left in his apartment on purpose.

 Shawn watches her from where he’s laying on the bed, his eyes roaming over her body. When his eyes go back to her face she has a smile while talking to her grandmother, but then he instantly notices as it disappears and she becomes tense. He immediately sits up on the mattress and observes as she hears whatever it is the other woman is telling her.

 “ Did something happen?” Shawn asks, standing up and walking to her as she changes into a pair of high-waisted jeans and a crop top after ending the call. Camila looks at him but doesn’t say anything, moving to where her bag is and looking for something inside, so he follows her and takes her hands in his. She looks up at him and he’s almost scared of hearing what she has to say. “ Talk to me, baby. What happened?”

 “ My dad is out of jail.” She whispers. “ My grandma said he got out last week, but they just found out yesterday because he went looking for me. He didn’t know I wasn’t living there anymore, obviously.”

 “ So... he wants to see you?” Shawn asks carefully.

 “ Yes, but I don’t know if I want to see him. At least not right now.” She drops his hands and takes her bag, walking to the bathroom as Shawn follows behind her. “ I would love to think he changed, but what if he hasn’t?”

 “ Maybe it’s time you read those letters he’s been sending you.” Shawn suggests, but he can see the scared look on her face when he says it. “ But you don’t have to do any of that right away. Just give it some time and try reading it when you feel ready. Maybe there’s something there that tells you if meeting him is a good idea or not.”

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