33. Perfect

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Camila looks up at the bright blue sky above them as Shawn places a blanket over the grass and takes out of the bags of food they just bought a few minutes ago. He sat down and extended his hand to her, pulling her to sit next to him so they could have their lunch date by the lake in Central Park. It was moments like this that made her feel like she was stuck in a romantic comedy movie sometimes.

 “ Are you really not telling me what we’re doing after this?” She asks, reaching for a sandwich and taking a bite.

 “ No.” Shawn shakes his head and Camila pouts.

 “ Pretty please?” She sends him her best puppy expresion.

 “ Stop being so impatient.” Shawn laughed at her before taking a sandwich for himself.

 This was technically their first date, at least officially, and she had mentioned she always wanted to have a picnic at Central Park, which was now the first part of their date day. However, Shawn had planned something else and insisted at keeping it a surprise. She tried to guess what it was several times by now, but he still kept his word and didn’t give her even a clue of what it was.

 “ Is not somewhere fancy, right? I’m not dressed for anything like that.” She says as they watch the people passing by, lots of dogs and kids running around.

 “ Your clothes are perfect, Camilita.” He smiled at her and stole a kiss from her lips.

 “ That explains why you keep staring at my legs.” She teases him.

 “ You can’t put this skirt on and expect not to stare.” He complains, giving a long look at her thighs and making her laugh.

 Camila takes a strawberry from the bowl of fruits in between them and takes a bite, looking into his eyes as she does it before taking the other half of the fruit to his mouth. Shawn does the same with her and soon they’re feeding each other fruits while stealing kisses, and even though Camila thinks that’s cute, she has a really hard time not finding it extremely erotic.

 “ Stop staring at me like you’re about to rip my clothes off.” Shawn smirks at her. “ This is just our first date.”

 “ You’re ridiculous.” Camila rolls her eyes and he pulls her in for a heated kiss, leaving her breathless.

 “ Shawn!” Camila giggles. “ There are kids around.”

 In about half an hour they’re leaving the park holding hands as Camila keeps trying to guess where they’re going. Shawn guides them to the nearest subway station and Camila smiles as she leans into him and they wait to get to their destination, remembering when they first met in the subway like this and he helped her get rid of that creepy man. She looked up at him and he smiled at her, probably having the same memory.

 Thirty minutes later they’re finally out of the subway and Shawn guides her through the streets, but she only finds out what his plans are when she spots the ferry ahead of them. Shawn makes her run so they won’t miss it and she’s running out of breath as they stand in between hundreds of people. He pulls her to the edge and stands behind her, holding her as they watch the water and the view of the city being left behind them. The wind is blowing on their faces as Shawn kisses her cheek and Camila feels like this was the perfect date.

 “ I love this.” She whispers, turning her head to look at him.

 “ I love you.” Shawn replies, kissing her lips.

 “ I love you too.” She smiles against his lips, loving how easily it had become for them to say those three words.

 It doesn’t take long for them to reach Staten Island and Shawn takes her to get ice cream before they walk and talk until the sun starts setting. They take the ferry back to Manhattan, watching as the sunset illuminates the city and taking the subway back when it starts getting dark. Camila thinks they’re heading to his apartment, but instead Shawn drags her to one last surprise. They enter a place a few blocks away from where he lives and Camila looks at him in surprise when he sees people rollerblading in a rank with eighties music playing in the back.

 “ Oh my god, Shawn!” She jumps excitedly, holding his hand. “ This is so cool!”

 Camila had told him she used to rollerblade a lot back home, but she honestly didn’t think that was something he would remember when planning their first date. He seemed to struggle not to fall at first and Camila gladly helped him, finding it funny how he had never done that before.

 “ It’s a lot easier on the ice.” He complains when she teases him.

 “ That can’t be true.” She laughs loudly and loses her balance, making the both of them fall.

 A group of young kids laughs at them as she tries to help him up and she finds it hard not to laugh along with them. Their evening ends with them walking back to his place eating street hot dogs and Camila can’t remember ever having this much fun in her life.


*[Smut warning]*

 Shawn stepped out of the shower and took the towel Camila had used it and left it behind over the sink. He wrapped it around his waist and went looking for her. They had got back to his place after their date feeling all sweaty and tired, so they stepped together into the shower, but Camila left a few minutes after to take a call because her phone wouldn’t stop ringing. He knew she had the habit to talk to her grandmother every night and when he stepped into the living room, she was out on the balcony doing exactly that. She had one of his shirts on, her hair up in a bun as she listened to whatever was told to her.

 “ I know, grandma.” He heard her voice as walked into the kitchen to get a water bottle. He didn’t want to snoop, but he could still hear what she was saying. “ Forget what happened, okay? I’m fine. Everything is perfect.” Shawn took a long gulp of his water as she kept talking. “ Okay, I’ll tell him that. I love you too.”

 After a few seconds, Shawn felt her arms wrap around his waist from behind, making him turn around with a smile.

 “ My grandma is dying to meet you.” Camila says with rose cheeks.

 “ I would love to meet her.” Shawn says as she rests her head on his chest, sighing and taking in his scent. “ Are you tired?”

 “ Yeah, that was quite a date you planned.” Camila laughs and looks up at him. “ But it was perfect.”

 Shawn kissed her lips before taking her hands that were around his waist and placing them over his shoulders, his own hands reaching for the back of her thigh as he lifted her up. Camila squealed, holding on to him as he carried her back to his bedroom and threw her on the bed. She has been spending so much time there, that it felt like she lived there with him instead of her dorm at this point. He loved that, having her there almost every night, but he knew it was too soon to even let his thoughts go where they were going.

 Camila reached for his towel and unwrapped it from his wait, pulling him to the bed with her and turning them around, straddling him and taking off the shirt she had on to reveal she had nothing underneath it.

 “ I thought you were tired.” Shawn teased, letting his hands roam over her naked body.

 She shut him up with a kiss and moved one of her hands down his chest and stomach, touching him until he was ready for her. He watched with admiration as she confidently rolled a condom onto him and guided him inside her, lowering herself on him with a loud moan. He held onto her hips as she rested her hands on his chest and moved with passion, chasing her high.

 He let her name escape his lips countless times as he watched her take control of everything, releasing faster than he would want to admit with the pace she was going. He was amazed by how beautiful and out of this world she looked on top of him, moving a little longer before collapsing into his arms with loud cries of his name. He wasn’t sure when she had gone from being a hesitant girl to this confident woman, but he felt proud somehow of seeing her like that.

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