38. Change of Plans

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*[Smut warning]*

The second they landed in New York, Camila felt like she was back where she was supposed to be. She had gotten used to the city in the last few months, so being back made happy in a sense, even if she was away from her family. Shawn went back to his apartment while she found herself back in her dorm, ignoring the suitcase she had to unpack and laying down on her bed to take a nap. She woke up an hour later with Hailee unpacking her own stuff after getting back from Christmas at home just like her. They had all planned to spend New Year’s Eve together at Times Square and she was really excited.

 “ Hey!” Hailee smiled and threw herself at Camila when she saw her friend was awake, hugging her tightly. “ I missed you.”

 “ Aww, I missed you too, Haiz.” Camila hugged her back. “ But you’re suffocating me.”

 They both laughed and Hailee stood up again, going back to unpacking her suitcase, while Camila stayed on bed, still ignoring her suitcase.

 “ So… how was it?” Hailee asked with curiosity. “ Did they like Shawn?”

 “ My grandma might like him more than I do.” Camila joked. “ But my grandpa was kind of hard to crack.”

 She tells Hailee everything that happened and they spend the next hour just talking about their holidays with their families. Hailee went back home while Niall stayed in New York with his family, so she was dying to see him.

 “ We’re going ice skating.” She said excitedly. “ You and Shawn should come with us.”

 “ I don’t know.” Camila said. “ Let me text him.”

 The four of them ended up walking to Central Park on a double date, where Shawn finally showed Camila he was actually decent at ice skating and Niall and Hailee would fall all the time. They laughed more than she can count and ended their day in a coffee shop with hot chocolate to warm up. New Year’s Eve was the next day and they were talking about the plans they made with the rest of their friends when Shawn’s phone that was over the table started ringing.

Camila saw it was his dad and she could feel Shawn instantly tense up next to her. He excused himself and she watched the whole time he was outside on the phone through the window. He seemed a little angry, but that was a normal reaction anytime he spoke to his father, so she wasn’t sure what to expect. When he walked back, she wanted to ask, but she wasn’t sure if she should wait until they were alone. Niall was looking at Shawn with the same worry in his eyes, so Shawn decided to tell them already.

 “ My dad is throwing a dinner party tomorrow night at his place.” Shawn tells them. “ He wants me there to meet his new girlfriend.”

 “ He has a girlfriend?” Niall asks in shock. “ That’s new.”

 “ I know.” Shawn sighed. “ I couldn’t believe it either.”

 “ I can come with you if you want me to.” Camila suggested, noticing how nervous he seemed about it.

 “ I would love that.” Shawn smiles at her and kisses her cheek.

 “ You can still make it in time to meet us later, right?” Niall asks.

 “ I’m not sure, but we’ll try.” Shawn says, taking Camila’s hand under the table. “ I think Charli is coming for dinner too, so Taylor will be furious.” He added with a small laugh.

 “ She will for sure.” Hailee laughs with him.

 Camila walked with Shawn back to his apartment afterwards and he was oddly quiet, just holding her hand as the snow fell down on them. She knew him enough at this point to know that when it came to his dad he was either angry or didn’t want to talk about, but when they were in his couch cuddling and watching a movie, he whispered on her ear that he loved her and she knew that was his way of telling her she could ask anything she wanted.

 “ Are you okay with this?” Camila asked quietly. “ We don’t have to go if you don’t want to. It’s just dinner. You can meet his girlfriend another day.”

 “ Is it weird that I want to go?” His voice had uncertainty on it and Camila turned around so she could face him.

 “ Of course not.” She placed her hand on his face and smiled at him. “ I just want you to realize you don’t have to do this just because he wants you to.”

 She hadn’t mentioned it, but she knew his father still lived in the same apartment Shawn grew up in. He had told her a few times that the place held too many memories for him, some happy ones, but most of them quite painful.

 “ I just feel like I need to meet this woman.” He confesses. “ I need to know who would want to be with someone like my father.”

 “ Do you think he’s doing to her what he did to your mom?” Camila knew that was what he meant, even if he didn’t say it out loud.

 “ Maybe.” He looked at her and his eyes were a little scared. “ He said they’ve been together for a few months, but he never mentioned her before.”

 They stayed in silence for a few minutes, just her hand caressing his face before he eventually told her about some of the memories he had of the apartment his dad still lives in and he seemed lighter when he told her more stuff he remembered of his mother. They had talked about their parents several times, but anytime it happened she felt like their vulnerability made them even more connected.

 When their conversation changed topic and the movie playing on the TV was forgotten, Shawn started kissing her hand while paying attention to her words. His kisses eventually moved to her arm and shoulder, until he was kissing her neck and she knew exactly what he wanted. The words in her lips got lost once he kissed them, hovering over her as her hands met his messy curls.

 She knew this would happen as soon as they were alone, after all they hadn’t done anything besides making out when they were at her grandparents’ house, even if she tried it several times. It was like the nervous and scared Shawn from a few minutes ago was completely gone and now all she could see was a hungry and desperate version of him.

 “ Are you wearing it?” He asked in her ear as she helped him unbutton her jeans.

 Camila nodded and once they were both just in their underwear, Shawn looked down at her, admiring the view for long enough that she started to blush. He asked her to wear the lingerie she had bought as part of his Christmas gift and she knew that meant she was going back to his place at the end of the day. The red material was see-through and his eyes were taking in every little detail until his lips were on her skin, his hands removing the two pieces until she was completely naked underneath him.

 Shawn usually took his time with her, but she could tell neither of them had the patience for that this time. Camila quickly pulled his boxers down as he reached for a condom on the table next to the couch, laughing at how he had them all over the apartment since they got together. The second he pushed inside her, she felt her head rolling back and moans from the both of them filling the room. His movements were fast and her hips were meeting his halfway as they held each other, their lips inches apart without touching, just their eyes glued into each other. He was never too rough with her, but this time it happened without neither of them having to say a word about it, their eyes communicating on what both of them wanted.

 Something about wanting each other for a whole week but not doing anything about it was enough to make them busy the rest of the night. When Camila laid down later that night with her head on his chest, both of them naked and out of breath, she thought there might have been something wrong with the way she never got tired of him. Every touch, every kiss made her feel like the happiest person alive and she was still trying to wrap her mind around that.

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