Part 1

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Two small girls giggled as they ran through out the compound.

"Shh!" The ravenette giggled to the red head.

"Shh." She giggled back before they both started running again. The two six year olds ran to a fair two-story house. They jumped through the window scaring the other occupants.

"The Awesome pair are back!" They yelled, both of their voices soft. The mother of the house chuckled as she looked at them. Her niece was with her old best friends' daughter.

"I wouldn't have sensed you guys were there if you weren't so loud." Another ravenette said coming into the room with his hair pulled back into a low pony tail.

"Tch, says the weasel." Murmured the red-head, her temper getting the best of her.

The boy smiled, a bit sadly, at the two. I'm sorry Momo, Minako, but I have to. The Uchiha heir thought sadly to the two best friends.

"Oi Tomato," A little voice called tauntingly to the red head.

"Oi Ducky." The red-head, Minako, mimicked dryly. The young boys' face contorted into anger, for he didn't anger her.

Momo giggled at her cousins childish attempts to get Minako mad. Silly Saskue, She thought. It's too hard to get Minako mad.

"Mo-chan, I have to go, but I'll see you tomorrow at the Academy. Okay?" Minako asked. Momo nodded.

"Okay Na-chan." She said smiling pleasantly. They gave each other a quick hug before Minako left waving at the family.


"Nii-san! I'm home!" She called, seeing if her twin was home, but to her disappointment he wasn't. With a lonely sigh she began cooking home-made ramen for her brother.

When he didn't show up for dinner she got worried and put on her slippers. After walking around town a bit she saw a crowd and immediately knew what was going on. Her legs guided her into the crowd quickly and caught a mans' fist before it could hit her beloved brother again.

"Don't you dare lay another finger on him." She said calmly. Her brother paled, knowing she was mad.

The man glared and shook her off before he went to hit her instead.

Big Mistake. The blonde headed boy, Naruto, thought as he watched in amazement and fear.

Minako blocked the punch and kicked the man in the jaw making him fly back.

"Don't touch me either." She said icily as she gathered her brother in her arms and walked off, not caring about the stares or the things they threw at her.

The old man watched with nostalgia from his glass orb. They are so much like their parents. He thought, blowing smoke from his pipe.


The next day Minako walked Momo home from the academy. The academy is the school system set up in their village, Konoha. There are two curriculums depending on the track of the child: Ninja or Civilian. Minako, Naruto and Momo were all training to become ninjas and defend their village.

"Are you sure you can't stay out a little longer?" Minako whined.

"Gomen, Na-chan, but I have chores today. We'll play later, okay?" She said entering the house.

"Yea, lets play ninja!" The read head said, her childish side coming through.

"Okay!" Momo chirped, smiling brightly.

"Bye~!" She sang before she ran off.


"I-I'm so sorry Momo." Itachi cried as he lifted up his sword, the moonlight reflecting the bloodied metal.

"It's okay Ita-nii," She smiles softly at her cousin, who she loves, "But just tell Na-chan I can't play with her today." She closed her eyes as the sword entered her heart.

The sobs racked his body as he watched his precious little go went limp. He gently laid her down beside her parents, his hands shaky with guilt.

"I-I'm sorry.. I .. I can't even fulfill your last wish.."


Edited 2018




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