Part 20

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My paint brushed danced across the page as I painted a self portrait. I was originally just going to paint my hair, but it turned into a self portrait. I tried to make it realistic, but I ended up making it look as if I were perfect. -_-'

I believe I'm beautiful, but not perfect. I also believe everyone else in the world is beautiful. Everyone is beautiful whether they want to be or they can't see it. 

"Hey Minako." Kumo called from next to me. Right now we were in room 302 waiting for the exams to start.

"Hmm?" I hummed lifting my head a little, but still looking at my painting as I painted.

"You're brother's here." He sweat-dropped.

"Yea, I heard." I chuckled. Koi was sleeping with her head on my lap. She was still recovering from her cold, but she would be fine. 

 Once I was done with the painting I gave it to Kumo. He did a simple hand sign before a mini tornado appeared, drying my picture instantly.

"Tank you." I said with a cheeky smile.

"It's THank you."

"An?" I said cheekily once more. He glared at me playfully.

"You're so annoying."


"And these are my ninja info cards!" A silver headed dork said loudly to the louder group by the entrance. AKA: My friends ~.~

"You wanna crash?" I asked. Kumo shrugged. "Koi, wake up we're gonna go with the 9 other rookies." I whispered poking her. She opened her eye groggily before nodding.

"Hiya~!" We said appearing in front of them.

"Wha! I thought you guys weren't taking the exams because Koi's si-" I glared at Kiba.

"Koi is fine." I insisted.

"Yepo~!" Koi said as her normal self.

"Anyway what's this dork doing here?" I asked turning the attention back to the said person. Baka-chan started laughing. 

"It's Kabuto." He said fixing his glasses. I shrugged not really caring.

"But what are you guys doing with your 'Ninja Info Cards'?" Koi and I said at the same time as we made fun of the way he said 'Ninja Info Cards'. This time we got a lot more people laughing.

"Gaara of the Desert, Rock Lee and Minako Uzumaki while you're at it." Sasuke said getting to business. My team and I rose an eyebrow.

"Minako Uzumaki?" We said in sync before turning to each other and shrugging. "Wonder what it'll say."

"You guys are creepy when you do that, (Believe it)!" Kiba and Naruto said at the same time with a horrified face. Koi and I looked at each other.

"Now our brothers are in sync." I noted.

"The world must be ending." She nodded. Everyone sweat dropped at our conversation.

"Anyway, Rock Lee first." Kabuto said putting chakra into the card. I didn't really listen because I already knew what I needed to know about him. "Now Gaara of the Desert." I wasn't interested. "And now Minako Uzumaki." Now I was listening and so was my team. "She's the same age as you guys. Birth date October 10. Mission expirence: 10 D-rank, 6 C-rank, and 1 A-rank. She has never been scratched on any of these missions. She is very skilled at Taijustu, but everything else is high as-well. Her teammates are Kumo Gin and Koi Inuzuka. She has no sensei and became Head Captain of her team. Her and her brother Naruto are orphans."

"Oh thank Kami!" Koi and I said at the same time. We high fived each other before dissapearing and ending up back at our table.

"Dang it, we forgot something." Koi said sweat dropping.

Authors P.O.V 

The awesome Team 6 re-appeared infront of the crowd.

"WE'RE TEAM 6 AND WE'RE GOING TO KICK ALL OF YOUR ASSES!" They yelled before vanishing from everyone's sight. The 9 rookies started laughing, Team 9 laughed (Neji smirked) and the Sand Siblings cracked a smile (Not Panda-chan though X|). 

After that Oreo-Chi-Moo-Moo's Sound trio walked up to the 'Ninja Ifo Card' man abd made him throw up. Then Scar face appeared and yelled at everyone making all, but the Awesomeness Squad, team 9 and The Sand Sibs, scared.

"Wass Up Biki-chan?" Minako asked appearing beside Scar Face.

"Hows life?" Kumo asked on the other side of him.

"Still stealing babies?" Koi asked appearing on his back.

"Or are you buying diapers still?" They then all asked. Scar Face became red in anger and embarrasment.

Mistical Sound Enter Here:

Team 6 was bored. That was NOT good for the rest of the population.

They started off by putting pink hair die in Kakashi's shampoo.

They then put water ontop of the door in Kiba's room and green goo in his bathroom.

After that they decided to prank Ibiki. Kumo had henged into an older version of himself wearing a delivory suit. As he carried a box, he walked up to the scarred man.

"You're diper delivery, sir." He said a bit loudly before walking away making everyone point and laugh. Before Ibiki could talk an older looking Minako walked up to him.

"Baby Theif!" She cried loudly, with her mascara running. "He stole my daughter!" She cried as she advanced to him. "Give me back KOI!" And on que a babies cry came from the mans' jacket.

Bewildered he took out the crying Koi baby. Minako snatched her out of his arms and hugged her. Then she slapped him across the face.

"I'll be sure to tell the Hokage!" And with that she took off leaving an angered crowd of villagers circling him. 

I don't have anymore cool sounds so yea.... 

The awesome team had recorded the incident for black mail and had just informed him of that personally, but before he could get his hands on them, they vanished like always.

Let the chunin Exams Begin!!!!!!

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