Part 24

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After some time I cooled down and went back inside to get some food. When I entered I saw Team 8.

"Oh, hey guys, I didn't know you came in." I said before grabbing ingredients for a meal.

"When did you guys get here?" Kiba asked.

"With in the first 7 minutes." I answered as I cracked the eggs.

"WHAA!" Kiba and Hinata yelled as all of team 8 plus Temari and Kankuro were electrified. I ignored them as I raced around the kitchen making a bunch of food. I didn't know what to make them since I don't know their favorites. I felt everyone's' eyes on me, but I ignored them to the best of my abilities.

When I was finally done I plated and set the table. "Before you eat wash your hands." I called before making a face. "The forest is nasty." Everyone laughed before washing their hands. After that we all sat down, including my team, and ate. It was like one giant family. My smile could only get brighter if Baka-chan was here.

"How did you learn to cook like this!" Kiba asked/yelled with his mouth full of steak.

"I just tried a lot of things when I was younger since Baka-chan can't cook." I replied with a closed eye smile..... and a tiny blush. What? It's not everyday you get a complement.  

"It's not that great." Kumo muttered.

"Then don't eat it." I hissed, not looking at him as my smile faded. Everyone looked surprised at how we were talking to one another since we usually are so in sync and crap. He rolled his eyes and got up.

"Fine."  And with that he left, making the table awkward and quiet.

"I'm full." I said getting up and washing my plate. "Hope you enjoy the food." I said with a closed eye smile before I left, with the book in hand. 

Koi's P.O.V 

I sighed and rubbed my face as my team left. "What happened Koi?" Kiba asked.

"While Minako was sleeping, she left her book unguarded. Kumo took it and went through it," I started, but was cut off.

"He went through her diary?"

"No." I dead panned. "It's her sketch pad that she always draws in. She doesn't let anyone look at them so we were cirious. On almost every page was her and some blonde kid. No It wasn't Naruto. He wore blue and black, had long strand by his face and is a genin like us. Some of them were the two of them grown up. It was weird, and when we asked her about it she refused to tell us. Kumo then called her a lair, un-trust worthy and a whole bunch of bull crap."

"Well that's stupid. If she said no, it's no. After all it's hers. Kumo should just appologize and get on with his life." Kiba huffed.

"I agree, but Kumo.... Is hard headed and a giant duche." I sweat dropped.

"Plus," Minako added, on the ceiling. "He doesn't think he's wrong. It's fine though, once he relaxes we'll be able to straiten thing out. Don't worry." She said with a smile. 

"Okay." I said going back to my meal.

"What? You're just going to listen to her like that?" Kiba asked.

"Yea, she's Team Captain for a reason. Plus I trust her judgment." I shrugged, Nao barked in agreement.


"She betrayed the leaf and Minako assumed position." I shrugged.

"Liar!" She called now standing in front of me. "You guys voted and I had no other choice!" Everyone sweat dropped. 

"So?" I asked nonchalantly. "You're practically Jonin."

"N-NO!" She shouted angrily, but her blush gave away that she was really embarrassed.

"Anyway, the Old Man trains us when he has time, but it's usually Minako who trains us. I have no idea when she finds the time to train herself or come up with routines for us."

"SH-SHUT UP KOI" Minako shouted making everyone laugh and her blush brighter. Her blush was the shade of Sakura's hair. With a giggle I poked her cheek. She slapped my hand playfuly, before sitting between Gaara and Shino. "At least these two won't tease me." She muttered.

"You might be running a fever Minako." Shino said with a smirk evident in his voice. 

"Baka! You're not supposed to make fun of me! Make fun of the puppy twins!"

"WHAT DID YOU CALL US!" Kiba and I yelled.

"Puppy Twins. I guess you didn't learn to not bark at your master."


"Well I'm Koi's since she forced me to do so and you two are twins, so I'm your master. Now kneel to you're queen." She said sarcastically with a smirk. Kiba and I hugged our knees as we rocked back and forth in the emo corner.

"Why does she have to be so smart?" Kiba muttered.

"Why did I vote for her?" I muttered back.

Minako's P.O.V 

While Kiba and Koi were sulking I got up with a yawn. "Night guys."

"G-Good N-Night Minako-san." Hinata said shyly. I looked back and gave her a small smile.

"No need to be shy. You can call me Minako." And with that I waved over my shoulder and disappeared. I ended up on the roof again because it was quiet, besides the sounds of bugs and (the occasional) screams. I sat down leaning on my elbows. "You can join Gaara." I called.

"How did you know I was here?"

"Because you can't control your blood lust as good as you think." I said looking at him seeing as he sat a good foot away from me.  "Plus, who else would follow me to the roof?"

"Kumo." He answered.

"Nah, he's too busy wrecking trees." I said pointing to a 'clearing'. "Anyway, why don't you sleep?"

"He doesn't let me." He answered.

"Then tell him to shut up." I answered with a shrug. "He's sealed inside of you after all." He looked at me wide-eyed, well kinda, but he's Gaara. "There used to be some days when I couldn't sleep too, but if you use a powerful enough voice - and mean it - they'll shut up. And if he does take over, I'll be there. Okay?" I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Why? Why would you do that fore  me?" He asked suspiciously.

"Because I would do it for my brother. You two grew up almost exactly the same, the difference is He seeks attention by making a fool out of himself. You saw it like the world was against you, but whether you like it or not, Temari and Kankuro are on your side. As am I." I said before giving him a thumbs up. "I promise I won't turn my back on you. Can you promise me the same?"

"I-I promise." He said hesitantly.

"Good, because I don't go back on my word, no matter what." I said with a closed eye smile. "Come on, let's go to bed." I said getting up. He got up too and we headed inside. "Night Gaara."

"Goodnight Minako."

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