Part 43

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Just turned 15 on July 28! So excited!! I almost got $300! That's the most I've ever gotten! I usually don't even get presents except something from my mom, but this time my dad, gma, and gpa pitched in too :3 It was a regular day though, as always. I baked myself a little cake and it was yummy~! Okay, I'm done!

Minako's P.O.V

I woke up in a dim room, only one small light hanging overhead although it felt huge. When did I fall asleep? I thought wearily as I sat up slowly, ignoring the pain it caused.

"Hello?" I called idiotically, not really expecting a response.

Oi kid, shut up.

I squealed in surprise. "Wh-who said that!?" I look around frantically, my thoughts racing with possibilities. I hear him sigh annoyed which replaces my fear with curiosity. "Where are you?"

Your head. He said, his patience wearing thin.

"My head? But... but that's impossible." I gasped.

Shut up, they're coming. Act like I'm not here and don't tell them okay?

I nod as the people walk in, I smile brightly when I see a familiar face.

"Ita-kun! Are you okay? Why did we fight? Where am I? Please don't tell Momo." I beg, knowing I'll be in BIG trouble. He looked shocked then his face softened. He looks so stressed.. I wonder why, I hope I'm not the cause.

"What do you remember?"

"Only bits and pieces. I know I'm 12.. I know I'm on a team with Baka chan.. Um, I'm a genin, Momo is my best friend, the old man is like my grandfather and other normal stuff." He nods then pulls out a book and flips to a random page.

"You and Momo are Genin together." Shows me a drawn picture of Momo and I together. " I'm your sensei and its us three... On our last mission... Momo and Naruto died.. It was a C ranked gone wrong.. I'm so sorry." I froze, my eyes watering. Why couldn't I remember that? They're my family! How could I forget them?

"Th-that's why we were fighting?"

He nods sadly as tears stream down my face. 'Naruto.. Momo...' I curl up and sob. "Why?! Why them!? Why the good ones..." I grip my hair as I cry harder. Itachi rubs my back and let's me cry into him.

"Would you like to get revenge Minako?" He asks after a long pause, my sobs filling the air.

I grip his cloak nodding.

"I want them to suffer... They killed two amazing people.." My tears fall faster. "They were, no, they ARE everything to me."

Third P.O.V

As Minako vowed to herself and Itachi, a pit formed in his stomach. He caused her memory loss, he's manipulating someone he loves for his own gain. He remembers the bond they used to share.. He remembers Momo, his sweet cousin he had to murder in cold blood.. Her smiling face as he did it.. The torture he caused to those around him.. The innocent lives he's taken, the lies he's told. Everything... For what? So one day he can repent his sins when his brother takes his life? Yes.. He must repent his sins. And if this is what it takes he'll do it.

"Come, I know someone who can help us with our goals." The red headed girl nods and follows her 'sensei' to the purple eyes she's scares of...

Minako's P.O.V

I followed Ita-kun down several hallways and to a door where he stops me.

"Through this door is the man who killed them. We will work under him and do as he says to earn his trust... Then we'll kill him when he's weak, understand?" I nod determined. He must've had this planned out if we were already in their hideout.

"Hai." He nods then leads me in where I see him. The man with purple swirled eyes. The man who chained me up. I could feel my wrists throbbing just at the thought.

He stares down at me with cold dead eyes, reminding me not to be scared. 'Those are the eyes they last saw before they died.. They're the eyes of a cold blooded killer. A person I have to kill for revenge....'

Itachi bows and I follow suit, covering my look of distaste.

"Welcome to the Akatsuki."


The end.

Jk :P

They're will be a sequel coming out as soon as I make the cover and tie up loose ends. Thank you for everyone who followed thus story, who fanned, commented and voted!

Hi_Wus_Up is out! ^3^

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