Part 2

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"NARUTO!" I yell, throwing a frying pan at his head. He narrowly dodges it.

"I'm sorry Nee-chan!"

"THE HOUSE IS FILLED WITH SMOKE! HOW DID YOU EXPLODE THE MICROWAVE WHILE I WAS IN THE BATHROOM?! I WAS GONE FOR 5 MINUTES!! PLUS I WAS GOING TO COOK!!!!" I yell. It was one of those when Naruto manges to push all the wrong buttons in all the right combinations. I normally don't get mad, but when I do my hair flares out. Its weird, but I love it because it scares the hell out of Naruto.

"I-I'll buy you Dango, Pocky, Cookies and Ice Cream!" He screams in fear, breaking me out of my thoughts. I perk up happily as my hair floats down, one by one.

"Okay." I sigh, once again calm. "Go get ramen for breakfast while I clean this up. Tell Iruka-sensei I'll be late." I call as I go into the kitchen. I hear Naruto scramble out, faintly, as I clean. I open the windows and start sweeping up the remains of the microwave. 'Leave it for Baka-chan to explode the microwave twice in one month. I think sadly. My poor, poor wallet. Imma have to do more favors so I can buy another one.. we barely have any more money.

After that I throw out the garbage and close the windows again, seeing as the smoke cleared. I then clean the kitchen counters and mop. Baka-chan had put the ramen in without water because he was rushing... with a FORK in it.

When I finish mopping, I go in the shower to get the smell of cleaning chemicals off of my skin. I put my hair up in a bun before entering the shower, quickly scrubbing myself so I won't be too late. I rinse off then I grab my green towel, walking to my room.

I put on a regular black long sleeve shirt, Khaki shorts and black boots with brown socks under it. Quickly brushing my hair and placing my signature clip, I walk out the house locking it behind me. I've had this clip as long as I remember.

I get a box of pocky as I walk to school, feeling snack-ish since I didn't eat. When I finally make it to the academy, Baka-chan is tied up on the floor and Iruka-sensei is yelling.

"Yo." I call with a pocky stick hanging in the corner of my mouth.

"AND YOU, WHY WERE YOU LATE!" Iruka-sensei yells.

"Baka-chan was supposed to tell you I was going to be late today due to his stupidity." I roll my eyes nonchalantly, not affected by his yelling.

"DUE TO NARUTO'S SCREW UPS WE'RE REVIEWING THE TRANSFORMATION JUSTU!" He yells once more. Everyone groans while I just shrug. We got in line with Sakura first.

Sakura is an emerald-eyed, skinny, flat-chested girl dressed in a red traditional Chinese dress with slits on the side. Under that were navy blue spandex shorts with matching ninja shoes. Her long baby pink hair is tamed by a red headband curtsy of her ex-best friend/ rival Ino.

Ino is a blue eyed, tall and skinny girl that wears a purple crop-top with no sleeves and a cow neck. Under that were bandages, so her stomach didn't show. Her thighs are also wrapped with bandages and over that was a purple skirt that went a little above her knees. She has light blonde hair tied up with a fringe in front of her right eye. She accessorized with small ear rings. She weres the traditional ninja slippers that most of my classmates wear. She looks more like Naruto than I do.

Sakura had transformed into Iruka-sensei after announcing herself. She made a decent clone, missing the folds in his clothes and scratches in his headband, but she did what was expected of an academy student. After Iruka-sensei praised her she went to Sasuke for recognition, but he blew her off.

Sasuke isn't the same from when we were kids. Yes his hair is still shaped like a ducks rear, but his onyx eyes were now sharp, not friendly and welcoming. He also got colder, but his temper is still there so that's one less thing to worry about.

Taking his hands out of his pockets he transformed into Iruka as well, but he got more details than Sakura. Now it was my turn. I, too, took my hands out of my pockets, but I transformed into the Old Man. I knew I had gotten everyone of his wrinkles, warts, sun spots, folds, the folds in his clothes and his scratches in his pipe.

The Old Man is the Hokage, or leader, of Konoha. His real name is Hiruzen Sarutobi. Ha.. lol. Sarutobi the Shinobi. Wow that's a lot funnier than it should be.

"Iruka," I said immitating the old man's voice. "Why don't you let the kids go early?"

"Wow, Hime-chan!" Baka-chan shouts. "You look exacaly like him!" I dispell the justu and look at him.

"That's the point Baka-chan." I say with a light punch to his shoulder. He smiles back at my crooked smile. "You're up." I say, snapping him back into reality.

"Alright!" He said exitedly before making a hand sign. I start chuckling to myself when I realize what he's going to do.

"What's so funny?" Shikamaru asks from beside me.

"Watch." I say simply looking back at my brother. With a cloud of smoke, a naked Naruko appears with the smoke covering her private parts. I die of laughter as Iruka-sensei catches a nose bleed. I laugh harder when he pops back up with tissues in his nose.

Naruto transforms back into himself, laughing as well. Iruka starts yelling how inappropriate Naruto is being and how that isn't the point of the exercise. I stop laughing, but a big grin is still on my face.

"Sensei, you said that we had to transform into someone. You didn't specify who or what it had to be." I watch as his face gets redder with anger. I can practically see the steam fuming out of his ears. Kiba is howling with laughter as he slings his arm around my shoulders. He barely even knows my name...and yet he puts his arm around me. I should bite him.

Kiba is a tan boy with red triangular marks on his cheeks signalling signaling he's an Inuzuka. He has on a grey hoodie with a fur rimmed hood and sleeves, darker grey ninja pants with the traditional ninja pants and blue ninja sandals. He never goes anywhere without his dog, Akamaru. Akamaru is a little cutie. He has white fur with brown ears. Kiba is also a major flirt, with a strong air of arrogance around him. He probably has flees... I think, stifling a giggle.


I'm alone today after school because Baka-chan has to clean the Hokage mountain. The Hokage mountain is a mountain that we use for tactical advantage. The Hokage tower stands beside it. Carved into the mountain are the faces of all Hokages that ever were. So far, there have only been four. The Old Man is the third, but remains in his position since the fourth died before his prime.

With a sigh, I stuff my hands into my pocket and walk towards the training grounds. A pocky stick between my lips as I chew on it slowly.

Finally making it to the bottom of the cliff, I finish my small snack. I look at the mountain, planning my route as i slip on my gloves.

I need to gain strength because I'm not as strong as I am fast. Not that I'm weak either though. I'm a little better than average which isn't all that impressive.

After 3 hours I made it to the top of the 2 mile cliff. I collapse at the edge, my arms shaking in fatigue. Before I let my muscles relax completely, I force myself to stand.

With a slow motion, my firey red hair was up and out of the way... after like 5 tries that is. My hands are sweaty and my hair keeps sticking to them and I keep accidentally pull my hair out.

I shake my hands before jumping up to a branch and starting my pull ups. Tomorrow is the graduation test.

"O-one.. T-two.."

It'll probably be easy, but what comes after won't. After the short D-ranked missions, there will be harder ones. Though C-ranked isn't that hard either, you never know when you encounter an unknown ninja. Mishaps happen all the time during C-ranked missions due to rouge ninjas. I've got to be on my toes, especially when Naruto has the Nine Tailed Fox demon, Kurama, sealed inside him.


Edited 2018

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