Part 35

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Minako immediately took action and 'summoned' a wall of chakra, blocking the attack. Absorbing her chakra, she yelled to Gamabunta and Naruto. "Now!" 

Naruto nodded performing a hand sign making him and Gamabunta turn into the first creature he could think of. The Nine Tailed Fox! 

Gamabunta latched onto The Shukaku, biting and digging his new-found claws into him, making him yell out. Minako launched up, but before she could reach Gaara, sand started to wrap around her ankle and make it's way up. Damn it! She thought, but an idea came to her. If I could release that much chakra, I should be free! She thought as the sand wrapped around her torso.

"Kai! Chakra Release!" She yelled as it consumed her whole...

Everyone in the village, enemy, comrade, Hokage, Ex-Sanin, everyone, looked over to where the large emission of chakra was located.

Minako had released the chakra from her chakra weights and emitted it. With new-found speed, she punched Gaara. I'm sorry Gaara.... It was the only way. She thought referring to when she analyzed the situation. His eyes snapped open to see Minako not that far away from his face.

"I kept my promise Gaara. I'm here and I didn't turn my back. I defeated the Shukaku. Now it's time for you to keep your promise." She said with a smile. "I keep my friends and village safe. So should you." As she spoke these words the Shukaku collapsed making the two of them fall to the ground. Gamabunta was unsummoned and Naruto went to where Sakura was, to catch her as she fell.

 With a giant in pact, Gaara and Minako landed on the ground. They both landed on their back, but only one was able to get up again.

"Wh-Why?" Gaara murmured to her. "Why go to such lengths for me?"

"Because Gaara," She replied stumbling towards him. "We're friends." She said collapsing on her knees. "Not only me, but Naruto, Temari, and Kankuro fought for you." She said tiredly with a smile. "Don't forget, we're family and families keep promises." She murmured as she fainted for the second time that day.

Soon after Kankuro and Temari appeared in front of Gaara.

"Minako..." Temari murmured. Kankuro looked around to see everyone had fled, no one was coming back for her. 

"Take her to the hospital." Gaara said, grunting a bit.

"I'll do it." Temari offered. Kankuro nodded to Temari.

"Thank you Kankuro, Temari and I'm sorry." Gaara muttered as Kankuro took of with him on his back.


Temari's P.O.V 

I picked up Minako bridal style because of how small and light she is, but when I did I heard one of her bones snap. With a gasp I take a look at her back to see it was out of shape. I saw her get up to comfort Gaara. Did she do it through the pain or did I just do that? I thought as I inspected it more. No, she got this a while ago, when she landed on her back. She could've killed herself.........Just to make Gaara happy and the worst part is: No one came to save her.

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