Part 25

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Side link of Minako and Gaara~>

Side pic of awesome Minako~>

It was finally the 6th day! Although the deadline was the 5th, we had to wait until 12:00 am and by then it was too late to give a speech.

Kumo and I hadn't gotten along, but Gaara and I have gotten closer. 

"Yea, when you wrap your arms around a person affectionately, it's called a 'hug'." I said explaining what Koi had done to Kiba. 

We were relaxing in his room. I was in a high-neck pale purple sleeveless shirt with blue ninja pants and socks. He was in his dark beige under-shirt, but everything else was the same. It was really hot today, and yes I brought spare clothes.

"Like this?" He asked hugging me tightly.

"Kinda, just a little less tight." I said. "Like this." I got out of his hug before hugging him, but softer. He hesitantly hugged me back. Soon he melted into it. I didn't say anything since I knew this was probably his first time hugging someone.

When we let go I smiled at him. "See? It feels nice." He nodded, letting his face twitch into a small smile. 

With a smile I looked for Naruto. I heard that he passed, but I couldn't find him in the crowd. 

"He's on the other side." Koi whispered to me since the Old Man was talking.

"Thanks." I whispered back only to see that a pair was appearing on the screen. 

Minako Uzumaki Vs Kumo Gin 

I stopped. "HEY YOU OLD MAN! THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOUR BOARD!" I yelled pointing a finger at him. He shrugged.

"It's random, and no forfeiting." He said poofing away before I could get to him.

"You better sleep with one eye open." I muttered as I walked into the middle of the arena. Everyone went up the step.

"Good luck." Koi said to both of us.

"Begin." Mr. Cough-a-lot said coughing afterwards.

3rd P.O.V 

It must be hard to go against you're comrade like that. Thought Kakashi as the two kids walked to the middle of the arena. 

But he was proven wrong when the proctor said go and Kumo attempted a punch at Minako's head, full of chakra. Minako dodged all of his attacks as if she knew them before he did. At times she would poke his face getting him angrier.

"You can't let you're rage get to you like that Ku-kun~!" Minako teased as she landed on his fist. Yep she was standing on his fist. When he tried to get her off she flipped up-side down on his head.

With one arm on his head, holding her body up, she pushed off making him fall and her land gracefully.

Kumo glared at her with all of his might, but Minako didn't even blink.

Everyone watched with horror as Kumo attacked Minako with all of his might. Minako didn't move any more though. She just caught or redirected his attacks.

"AAUUGGHHH!" Kumo yelled as he tried to hit her again. "Stop going easy on me!" He growled.

"Not when you're already beat." Minako said calmly.

"DAMN YOU!" He yelled before flinging hundreds of kunai and shuriken full of chakra at her.

After the smoke cleared Minako was standing there, unharmed, but her Kimono top was cut, leaving her whole back out. She calmly took it off and snapped her head to Kumo.

"That was my mothers' and you knew that." She glared.

Everyone had wide eyes knowing Minako has no parents and that her and Kumo were best friends.

What happened to them? 

Minako's P.O.V 

I put my hair into a ponytail, letting my bangs go. I summoned my chakra blade and put on my gloves.

"You wanted me to go harder, right?" I asked before taking off. I flashed behind him and kicked his back making him speed forward. I then appeared in front of him and punched him, but because he's a medic nin he healed himself of all injuries.

"Wind Style: Whipping Tornado! Water Style: Mouth of the Serpent!" He yelled doing hand signs. I did quick hand signs before disappearing. I reappeared behind Kumo, who was tied up with chakra chains, and put my sword to his neck.

"I win." I muttered sourly. 

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