Part 38

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The nurse dressed me in black and put me in a wheelchair, since I could barely move. "Come on kid." Jiraiya said as he pushed me out the door. "Don't want to be late."

"Whether we're late or not depends on you. You're the one pushing me." I retorted.

"Haha." He replied dryly as he checked me out for the day. "How did you even get to the hospital?"

"I was in 4 fights so I'm bound to get hurt."

"No, not that. Like, check in?"

"I thought someone took me. Why?"

"Because no one knows who did. As far as we know, you were lying outside the hospital after a knock on the door. This," He said taking something out of his pocket. "Was around your neck." He showed me a necklace. It had a sand lock hanging from a chain. I took it out of his hands knowing who it was from.

"Thank you, but lets head there now." I said smiling up at him. He nodded and rubbed my head.

"Alright, let's go."


I sat there in my wheelchair as the rain started to pour on us. I wish it were sunny, as if their souls were happy, but this...... This is heart breaking. I thought hearing Konohamaru's cries.

With a heavy heart I rolled up to the podium and placed a white rose on the podium. I guess white's your color. I thought as memories flashed in my mind. Playing shogi, all of the fathers days, ice cream and lunches. The playground and the hospital. With one final tear-drop, I wheeled myself away, thankful that the last of the rain hid my tear.


"I'd love to go home Baka-chan, but I can't even walk!" I huffed as Koi pushed me.

"Yea, be more considerate!" Koi yelled pushing me faster with her excitement.

"Koi! You be more considerate! You're pushing me towards your house!" I yelled.

"Oops." She said turning me back towards the hospital.

"Yea, 'oops'." Once I was checked back in the hospital I was sedated for the pain and left to sleep.

"Yo." I called walking up to his cage.

"I can't believe I lost a bet to you." He huffed.

"Oh, well. But can you heal my back? They said their medical ninjutsu isn't working."

"That's because of me. If you really want to combine chakra, some things you need to know.
1. We need to combine our chakra, obviously
2. At first it will feel like you're on fire, so you'll need to be away from people.
3. Once our chakra is mixed, we can talk to each other as much as we want. So no more dreams and meditating.
4. When you first use our chakra combined you'll go into a simulated Sage, or Sanin, mode. Once your body becomes accustomed to it, nothing will happen.
5. You can hide our chakra, only show mine or only show yours or both or even none.

"It's like having 3 chances at being different people." I said taking in the information like a sponge.

"Yes. Oh and, no other healing chakra will help or heal you, It'll just be you and me."

"Hai. Now can you heal me so that we can do all of this?"

"Yea, yea." He said sighing at how impatient I was being.

"Thanks...." I said becoming conscious once more.

I stretched...Wait did I just stretch? I thought. I just stretched! I thought happily turning around and stretching some more. Getting up quickly, only to fall from the lack of use of my legs. After a while I got feeling in my legs and dressed in leggings, a large sweatshirt and boots. As I exited out the window I left a note on the folded sheets.

I went to the Yamanaka flower shop as usual.

"Oh, Minako! You haven't been here lately, what happened?" Ms. Yamanaka asked worriedly, her laugh lines turning to frown.

"Don't worry, I was in the hospital, but now I'm fine." I said waving my hands a bit.

"Okay, do you want the usual?"

"Yes please, but add a white rose, too." She nodded as she gathered the four flowers.

"May I ask who they're for?"

"My loved ones." I answered before paying and leaving the shop. I'd usually stay and have some tea, but not today. Today I have too much stuff to do.

I placed all the roses on their respective graves. Blue, Red, Yellow and now White. After telling them about the last week and my plan with Kurama I stood.

"Ja." I called going deeper into the forest, not noticing the two pairs of eyes on me.


"This is far enough. Ready?" He asked. I prepared myself before nodding.

"Hai." I said, but no amount of preparation could prepare me for this.

"AHHHH!!" I screamed. He was right, it felt like fire was spreading slowly all across my body. Inside and out, it was slowly crawling up until it covered my whole body. Soon my throat became scratchy a sore. Salty tears evaporated on my red skin. My hair floated slightly, making it whip around my face and sting me further. "AHHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed as the final wave hit me, knocking me out.

3rd P.O.V

The two cloaked figures walked up to the red haired girl. Her red skin was turning pink as the effects wore off.

The blue skinned man went to grab the girl, but a growl stopped him. The duo turned around to see a miniature version of the Kyuubi, but it was still about the height of the shorter one's shoulder.

"Leave, NOW!" It roared as it's nine tails swung dangerously. With a nod to each other, both missing nin vanished to go after the blonde Kyuubi host instead.

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