Part 41

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Okay! Votes are In! NO MORE VOTING!!! And here are the results

1. Gaara


3. Sasuke

4. Shikamaru

5. Kiba

6. Shino

7. (tie) Kumo or No-One

8. SasukexOCxGaara

Based off of these results I'll be choosing out of the top four! Thank you all for voting a participating in my little contest! ^~^ I'll be updating by Sunday Eastern Time! Thank YOu all for reading! I love all the commenting and votes!

Minako's POV

After Jiraya made his wonderful speech, making himself sound so high and mighty, the pathetic fight between Uchiha's started. I wanted to intervene, knowing that Sasuke wouldn't last, but Jiraya made me promise I'd stay to let him fight his own fight.

'But he can't even hold his own against Gaara. How does he expect to fight Itachi?!'

I clench my fist and watch the scene unfold, but at Sasukes second scream I can take it anymore, charging in with Naruto following my lead. As I go to leap up and get an advantage over Itachi with leverage, Jiraya uses a weird Jutsu, stopping me in my tracks.

'What the hell is this?'

This is the stomach of the mountain toad. It's near impossible to get out of.

'But every Jutsu has its weakness'

That's why I said it was NEAR impossible.

'Shut up.' He does as told, but I can feel him smirking in the back of my mind.

I pulled my arm from the ceiling and landed on the gum like floor.


I scrunched my nose and chased after the two who managed to escape when I was distracted.

"Shit." I growled, in no mood to correct myself as I jump after them. I followed hot on their tail, adding a little chakra I catch up and pounce.

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