Part 12

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Minako ~>


"Baka-chan!" I skip steps as I run down them.

"Yea?" He asks coming out the kitchen with a mouthful of ramen.

"I'm going to the beach with my team, so can you not interrupt?" I smile sweetly, adjusting my cover-up strap.

"Okay, but why?" He swallows and I sigh.

"You usually go places with you're friends.. and your friends are guys..." I trail off, trying to spell it out for him. He nods, then narrows his eyes. 

"But you have a boy on you're team."

"Nah, he's harmless and he knows I can beat him in an 1 on 1." I wave before leaving.


"Open up Koi!" I groan as I continue banging on her door.

"Coming!" She calls, opening the door before rushing out. "Hurry!" She squeals and grabs my arm as she runs away.

"KOI! GET BACK HERE!" Kiba yells from the front door, his face red with anger. "YOU ARE NOT WEARING THAT!" I laugh as I run with her. 

When we make it to Kumo's house we both knock. "OPEN UP~!" Koi sings.

"Im coming." He mutters loud enough for us to hear him through the door. When he finally unlocks the door, I look him up and down to make sure he can be seen with us. He's shirtless with blue swimming trunks and black sandals. He has a towel over his shoulder.

"You're doing blavy. Change your sandals." He rolls his eyes at my comment before doing as I say.

Koi is wearing a short, sleeve-less pink cover up dress with black spandex short shorts under it. She has Nao in her purple and pink beach bag.

I'm wearing a white, off-the-shoulder t-shirt with jean shorts. My beach slippers are black and so is the book-bag on my back.

"Yosh! lets go!" Koi squeals as she skips ahead. Kumo and I smile at her excitement before jogging to catch up with her.

"Matte!" I call, telling her to wait.

3rd P.O.V

Ino, Sakura, and Hinata are walking towards the shopping center, to meet up with Mari, when they see Team 6.

Sakura narrows her eyes. She only knows 2 out of the three which is odd. She knows everyone. She knew the tall spunky girl was KIba's sister. Hinata talked about her every once in a while. Ino constantly talked about Kumo if she isn't talking about Sasuke. They've been friends longer than Her and sakura. So who is this redhead?

Ino notices her non-related brother and grins. If I can convince him to come with me then I can make my OTP happen! She's so lost in though she barely heard her soft spoken friend call out to the group.

"K-Koi!" Hinata's soft voice calls out. The said girl looks back to see her childhood friend. Her face break out into a grin and she calls back happily.

"Hinata!" She squeals, dragging her teammates with her. They don't even seem fazed. "I haven't seen you in forever!" She gathers the smaller girl in her arms for a tight hug. 


"Wh-Who are they?"

"Oh these are my teammates Kumo Gin and Minako Uzumaki! We're going to the beach!"

"Like they couldn't tell." Minako and Kumo said at once.

"Oops." Kumo and Minako faced palmed.

"On a different note, hey Ino." Kumo said to the blonde girl. Minako smirked putting her arm around Kumo, making Ino mad. She then whispered something in his ear making him pink.

Ino got madder.

"Anyway, we gotta go before the sun leaves! Ja ne!" Minako said making her and her team poof away.

"Guys let's get the other genins and have a party!" Ino said with false happines.

"What kind of party?" Sakura asked already on board.

"A beach party, Duh." Sakura nodded.

"We'll all invite our teams!" She said.


Minako's P.O.V

I giggled and splashed Koi back. She laughed as Nao then tackled her into the water. Koi was wearing a little hot pink bathing suit with flowers on it.

"Come on Kumo!" I called. He nodded before running and jumping in.

"I didn't say jump!" He shrugged before picking me up and slaming me into the water. "Okay, you're on!" We laughed and splashed, slammed, and threw each other until we got tired.

"Imma go dry up a little before we talk." I called, he nodded as he floated.

Getting out of the water I put chakra into my feet so the sand wouldn't stick to it. I then dried myself a little and settled myself on my small blue blanket, taking out a book and reading it as I dried.

3rd P.O.V

Sakura had somehow got Sasuke to join Naruto and her at the beach. Ino forced Shikamaru and Chouji while Hinata had just asked and they said yes.

"BEACH PARTY!!" Naruto yelled as they reached the sand, but all the boys were staring at a particular red-head.

"N-Naruto?" Minako stuttered bright pink.

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